Before an audience of about 2000 people in the Melbourne Town Hall to-night, the Premier (Mr. Murray), the State Treasurer (Mr. Watt), supported by Sir Alex. Peacock, Messrs. ...
Article : 965 wordsThe return match with South Africa was started on the Adelaide Oval this afternoon. The weather and pitch were perfect. Hill won the toss, and sent Mayne and Dolling ...
Article : 513 wordsThe matter of the compulsory training of Australian youths was the subject of an animated discussion at the Methodist Conference to-day. The question came up on the ...
Article : 360 wordsDr. Ashburton Thompson, who represented New South Wales at the conference of the principal medical officers on uniform measures for the control of consumption throughout ...
Article : 1,488 words{No abstract available} [ILLUSTRATED]
Detailed lists, results, guides : 70 wordsGrosser Kurfurst, G.M.S. 13,243 tons, Captain Rott, from Bremen, via ports. Paassengers—Mrs. Anna Rott, Mr. Andrew Goold, Mr. George Annand, Mr. Frederick Parson, Mrs. Betha Parson, Miss Gwen, Parson, Miss S. ...
Article : 589 wordsSpeaking on the referendum, the Premier said that if the referendum were carried the Constitution would be revolutionised. It only took a few hours to devastate Chicago by fire, ...
Article : 156 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 685 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 962 wordsThe Premier was asked yesterday to intervene in regard to trouble between the Northern Miners' Federation and the Colliery Proprietors' Defence Association at Newcastle ...
Article : 255 wordsSocorra, s, for London Matunga, s, for Pipua, Yule and "Woodlark Islands Yongala, s, for Melbourne. Suva, s, for Fiji, via Newcastle. ...
Article : 64 wordsPort Phillip, s, for Calais, London, and Antwerp; Moldavia, R.M.S., for Auckland; Prine Waldemar, s, for Manila, China, and Japan, via ports; Kumano Maru, J.M.S., for Melbourne; Riverina, s, for ...
Article : 134 wordsThe report of the Central Sugar Mills Commission was made available to-day. It is a voluminous affair, covering 199 pages and an appendix. The report says:—"As a result of ...
Article : 333 wordsMatunga, s, 1618 tons, Captain Gambill, for Papua, via Brisbane and Cairns. Suva, s, 2220 tons, Captain Savage, for Fiji, via Newcastle. ...
Article : 136 wordsInterviewed at Christchurch, Mr. Mackenzie, Minister of Agriculture, said the position in regand to the American Beef Trust was being carefully watched. It was a grave danger. ...
Article : 141 wordsOberhausen, s, for Hamburgvia ports; Ortara, sh, for Tal Tal, via Newcastle [?] Alfonda, sh, for Noumea; Victoria, s, for Auckland. The four-masted schooner Minnie A. Caine will more ...
Article : 151 wordsCYIRNS.(1418m).—Arr: March 9, Arawatta, s, from bowen. Dep: March 10, Innamincka, s, for Brisbane, FLAT TOP ISLAND (10[?]m).—Arr: March 10, Allinga, s, from Melbourne; Wawoon, s, from Maryborough. ...
Article : 934 wordsA match between teams representing the combined oversea shipping companies of Melbourne and Sydney was commenced on the Richmond ground to-day. The match was to have occupied two days, but the wet ...
Article : 318 wordsThe steamder Thermistocles, the Aberdeen line, left capetown on Thursday in contmuation of her voyage form London to Australian ports. The R.M.S. India yesterday arrived at Hobart from ...
Article : 120 wordsSir Joseph Ward (Prime Minister of New Zealand), who arrived in Sydney yesterday morning, defined the position of New Zealand regarding the Vancouver mail service. ...
Article : 203 wordsThe Acting Federal Treasurer (Mr. Frazer); stated to-day that one or two applications had been received from municipalities for loans from the ...
Article : 72 wordsAt the Sulphide Corporation Cockle Creek works during the week ore was treated producing bullion containing 695oz gold, 9826oz silver, and 148 tons lead. ...
Article : 34 wordsThe following passengers have booked for New Zealadn by the R.M.S. Moldavia, satting at 4 p.m. to-day:—Mrs. Bert Gibert and child, Mr. and Mrs. Cleland, Mr. Kain, Mr. Jory, Mr. and Mrs. Shields, Mr. ...
Article : 334 wordsMr. Josiah Thomas, M.P., addressed a public meeting in the Town Hall, Auburn, on Wednesday evening. Alderman J. T. Lang presiding. Mr. Thomas said he had no ...
Article : 224 wordsThe total quantity of coal exported from Newcastle during the week ended to-day amounted to 45,694 tons. Of this quantity 22,219 tons were sent to foreign ports, whilst ...
Article : 41 wordsAt the regalar monthly meeting of the committee of the Richmond School of Arts, held last Tuesday night Colonel C. S. Guest moved and Alderman Kilduff seconded,—"That in ...
Article : 88 wordsMr. J. C. Eldridge continuos the registration of unemployed in Newcastle. Up to this evening the total uumber registered is 688. Of these men 327 are married, and 361 single. ...
Article : 172 wordsA Court of Marine Inquiry to-day gave their decision on the Yambacoona-Wyrallah collision. The finding was that George Bennett, master of the Yambacoona, carelessly ...
Article : 153 wordsThe first conference of the Riverina Carriers' Union is now sitting in Hay. Delegates are present from many Riverina centres, and some from Queensland, including Mr. John ...
Article : 89 wordsThe training [?] Port Jackson has completed leading for Londo, and wasyesterday towed to an anchorage in the stream. She will probably leave the harbour to-morrow. Included in her cargo is 6422 bales wool. ...
Article : 74 wordsMr. Wade, leader of the State Opposition, returned yesterday morning from another tour, this time in the northern part of the State, in connection with the campaign ...
Article : 474 wordsThe following passages have been booked by the Federal-Houlder-Shire liner Suffolk, which sails to-day for London and Liverpool:—Mrs. R. D. Seddon, Miss Seddon, Miss Ruby Seddon, Mr. Mattbews, Mrs. ...
Article : 280 wordsSouth australia—Overland, 9.30 p.m. Victoria.—Overland, 9.30 p.m. Queensland.—Overland, 3,45 p.m. and 9.30 p.m. Melbourne (direct).—Riverina, 11 a.m. ...
Article : 245 wordsThe Barrier branch of the Australian Natives Association is offering resolutions to the annual conference to be held in April, in favour:—(1) Locking of the Muray and Darling ...
Article : 79 wordsSince the last Royal Agricultural Show the society has spent between £15,000 and £18,000 upon improvements. The largest of the new buildings that have been erected is a ...
Article : 173 wordsA serious fire occurred in the Kockibitoo district, when S. H. Winnel's homestead was burned to the ground, hardly anything being saved. The family were just having their ...
Article : 111 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 219 wordsThe German mail steamer Grosser Kurfurst arrived at a late hour last night form Bremen via ports. She will berth at the company's wharf, Circular quay, to-day. ...
Article : 36 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 92 wordsThe China Naviagation Company's steamer Taiyuan arrived yesterdayafter a fast trip of 17 days from Hongkong. She left the China port on February 21, and after calling at Manilla sailed direct for sydney. ...
Article : 57 wordsWELLINGTON (1239m).—Arr: March 10, Ennerdale, sh, from Newcastle. Dep: Manuka, s, for Sydney. ...
Article : 16 wordsThe secretary to the land tax branch of the Federal Trensury said to-day that between 7000 and 8000 returns had been received by the Victorian and central offices. About 11,000 ...
Article : 127 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 117 wordsFrankdale, s, from Sydney Feb. 10, to Valparaiso, Star of Scotland, s, from Dunedin Jan. 2, and ports, to London. Formosa, bq, from Newcastle Dec. 21, to Corrizal ...
Article : 135 wordsMessrs. Geo. Hudson and Sons have been informed of the departure of the barque casablanca, for Kaipar, on Friday last, for Sydney. She has a cargo of 400,000ft of white pine and kauri timber. ...
Article : 39 wordsAt a meeting held in the School of Arts by the Hornsby Progress Association, a resolution was unanimously carried instructing the secretary (Mr. F. H. ...
Article : 94 wordsThe Norwegian ship Mabella, which will sail in a day or two for Falmouth, has as cargo 29,959 bags of wheat. The steamer clan Urquhart, which sailed yesterday ...
Article : 41 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 60 wordsNorway easily leads the way as a competitor among foreigners for the purshase of British vessels. In 1910 she sequired tonnage in this way to the extent of [?] tons, being an increase of 59,636 tons in ...
Article : 108 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Sat 11 Mar 1911, Page 16
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