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    THERE is no doubt that Treasurer Paul Keating's most difficult task in carrying out the belated reform of Australia's ...

    Article : 944 words
  3. Letters to the Editor

    JUDGING from Leanne Mason's column (CT, August 26, p.7), the major objection on the part of federal MPs to giving the people of ...

    Article : 153 words
  4. The Canberra Times

    NOW that the United Nations has put its belated stamp of approval on the use of military action to enforce its sanctions ...

    Article : 914 words
  5. Not true

    IT IS simply not true, as claimed in the editorial of August 14, that under the pure d'Hondt voting system, "the typical ALP or Liberal 35 to 50 ...

    Article : 310 words
  6. Dr Kinloch's school hopes

    I CONTINUE to be distressed at the closure of the Ainslie Transfer Station, a decision in which I had no part. I have steadily opposed that ...

    Article : 488 words
  7. No title

    {No abstract available} [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 0 words
  8. Skateboard rules needed

    THERE has been some discussion recently on whether children should be allowed to skateboard in Garema Place. This appears to be against the ...

    Article : 212 words
  9. Dung-spurling

    YOUR correspondent Chris Fowler (Letters, August 24) asks what "dwyle-flonking" is. Any Norfolk yeoman could tell him that ...

    Article : 35 words
  10. Facts on archery clubs

    IN RESPONSE to your article on bowhunting (CT, July 29), it is hoped that you will publish the following comments so as to provide ...

    Article : 157 words
  11. Vice-Regal

    The Governor-General, Mr Bill Hayden, received Mr J. Steven, general manager, Paribas Group (Australia) Limited, at Government House, Canberra, ...

    Article : 72 words
  12. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 47 words
  13. Views based on abuse

    IN HIS column of (August 22, p.8) devoted to the crisis in the Middle East, William Mandle appears to base his views on abuse of ...

    Article : 369 words
  14. Hare-Clark voting 'still the best for ACT'

    MALCOLM Mackerras claimed in an article in The Canberra Times on August 16 that four senior Liberals ...

    Article : 1,177 words



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