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  2. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 90 words
  3. The Maitland Mercury.

    "WE trust our readers resident in Maitland and the other towns on the Hunter have noted the movement now being made in Armidale to ascertain the best ...

    Article : 1,273 words
  4. Sydney News.

    Although the arrival of wool has been small during the past week, yet that offered for sale, consisting of [?]ece and country washed, realised full rates. The New Zealand wool, scoured by Mr. Hayes, of the ...

    Article : 637 words

    This case having been called, Mr. Butler stated that it was arranged in Court on the previous day that the trial should be postponed, till Saturday. A postponement was allowed ...

    Article : 1,369 words

    The meering of this body took place yesterday. Present—The Wurden, Me[?] Gorrick, C[?]ghan, Walsh, and Dr. Brown. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved of; and the balance at ...

    Article : 4,796 words
  7. Original Correspondence.

    GBNTLKUSN—In your issue of the 29th ult., you were kind enough to favour the public with the report of the Commissioners appointed to examine into the state of Education in the ...

    Article : 494 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 1,705 words
  9. Hunter Riber District News.

    THE LATE TRIAL—DUTTON V. GAGGIN.—On Saturday evening a public meeting took place in the court-house, Singleton, "for the purpose of considering whether any and what steps ...

    Article : 1,225 words
  10. Shipping Intelligence.

    JUNE 29.—Torch (s.), Lieutenant Chimmo, commander, from Sydney. 21.—Margaret, schooner, 142 ton[?] Simmonds, master, from Sydney. ...

    Article : 78 words

    JUNE 19.—Oriental, barque, 469 tons, Captain Conye, from Bolton February 19, with 1 pasnenger. 19.—H. M. Wharfield, barque, 185 tons, Captain Campbell, from Newcastle the 18th instant, with 220 ...

    Article : 448 words



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