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  2. Doonican barred from Ayers Rock

    MELBOURNE: Irish singer Val Doonican and a BBC television crew have been barred by Northern Territory Aborigines from filming a program at Ayers Rock. ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 419 words
  3. Mackay hearing Inquest told of $7,000 death offer

    SYDNEY: The Donald Mackay inquest was told in Sydney that a man had told police that he had been approached twice to murder the anti-drug ...

    Article : 714 words
  4. Officials to assess plans for offshore banking law

    The Government would establish a working party to develop and assess legislation for offshore banking in Australia, the Treasurer, Mr Keating, said ...

    Article : 365 words
  5. Students' nuclear protest in park

    Young people had the biggest stake in the disarmament movement because they had the most to lose in a nuclcar war, the Minister for Education and Youth Affairs, Senator Ryan, ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 394 words
  6. Envoy in New York is asked to return

    The Australian Consul-General in New York, Mr Denis Cordner, has been asked to return to Australia within three months. Mr Cordner, who was appointed by the ...

    Article : 288 words
  7. NSW Lotto

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 64 words
  8. Oil discoveries to boost self-sufficiency: Walsh

    Australia could be sitting on more crude oil than was previously estimated — almost enough to see it become selfsufficient in the 1990s. ...

    Article : 279 words
  9. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 280 words
  10. 1984 festival clears the slate

    The success of this year's Canberra Festival was translated into dollars and cents yesterday when organisers announced that a big deficit overhanging ...

    Article : 177 words
  11. Housing for women sought

    Youth accommodation services should be expanded to include specialist services run by and for young women, a report titled "Young Women and ...

    Article : 130 words



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