The COLONIAL SECRETARY laid on the table the following papers:—(1.) The Return to the Address in reference to Sand Drifts, adopted, on motion of Mr. Parkes, on 3rd November, 1854. ...
Article : 1,301 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 165 wordsThe Polly has returned to [?]t. I believe I am correct in siting that to-morrow Mr. Nichols will place a motion or the pap[?]r of the house. in reference to the job expos[?] in your journal of ...
Article : 85 wordsThe subjoined statement of the actual revenue and expenditure of 1854, taken from the Council paper laid on the table by the Colonial Secretary, is worthy of close examination. ...
Article : 649 wordsWHEAT—Per bushel. 18s. to22s.; good demand. No supply. FLOUR—Fine, per 100 lbs., 45s.; seconds, 40s. to 42s.; very firm, with upward tendency. ...
Article : 236 wordsARMIDALE.—We believe we know the handwriting, but our correspondent must comply with the rule of attaching his name, as a guarantee for authenticity. The letter is so long that, supposing the name is sent ...
Article : 61 wordsThe working of this act seems to be giving dissatisfaction in all quarters of the colony. If the representations, which have been made to us upon the subject be true, and we have no ...
Article : 413 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 166 wordsKITCHEN GARDEN.—Transplant cabbages, cauliflowers strawberries, artichokes, leeks, onions, eschalots. Sow peas, beans, prickly spinach, radishes, mustard and cress, cabbage, cauliflowers, carrots. Earth up peas ...
Article : 90 wordsJUNE 11.—Wizard, schooner, 120 tons, Captain Jackson, from South Sea Islands. Passengers—Messrs. Bliss, Beer, Winham, Eames, and 17 in the steerage. 12.—Yarra Yarra (s), 350 tons, Captain Bell, from ...
Article : 1,538 wordsIT is a curious illustration of the inherent weaknesses of human nature that the shutting of the purse is the most powerful argument ever yet ...
Article : 637 wordsThe first event determined was a private match for £50 a-side, between Mr. Schofield's Sloucher and Mr. Wilson's Whalebone; once round the course. Sloucher ridden by Mathews, ...
Article : 383 wordsJUNE 12.—Richard M'Donald, of Harrington-street, Sydney, general importer. Liabilities, £17,798 4s 9d. Assets—value of real property, £4400; value of personal property, ...
Article : 95 wordsAt Eleven o'clock of Monday, 16th July next, the following town, suburban, and country lots of land will be offered for sale by public auction, at the places hereunder mentioned, at the upset price affixed to each lot ...
Article : 691 wordsTrade is good. Five cwt. wool, clippings, has been purchased at 2½d. per lb., [?]and four bales greasy wool at 6½d per lb. ...
Article : 3,214 wordsI have very much regret in informing you of the sudden death of Dr. Carson. On Sunday last, 10th instant, he went to Mr. Pringle's, and was on his return back, when at about two miles ...
Article : 102 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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