Sow largely of peas and French beans; broad beans may still be tried. Lettuce should be sown where intended to stand, as the weather may not be suitable for transplanting. Plant artichokes; cabbages may still ...
Article : 86 wordsOn Friday, the 8th inst., Mr Love, P.M., held a magisterial inquiry, at Mundarlo, as to the cause of the death of a man whose body had been found in the Murrumbidgee ...
Article : 2,614 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 34 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 54 wordsTHIS well attended gathering came off very successfully in Hodgson's Assembly hall, on the evening of Wednesday, the 6th inst. The tables were tastefully decorated with flowers ...
Article : 935 wordsTHROUGH all the varied vicissitudes which go to make up the past history of Tumut society, it has ever been its good fortune to number among its members, individuals ...
Article : 2,296 wordsIT is a great pity that Mr MACLEAY'S expedition to New Guinea collapsed, and it must be a further source of aggravation to those who sailed with him, and who have ...
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