MAY 21.—Bengal Merchant, 508 tons, Capt. Donovan, returned to port. 22.—Tenasserim, barque, 217 tons, Captain E. Coury, from Calcutta 25th February. ...
Article : 4,832 wordsBy the kindness of Captain Parfitt, of the Shanghai (says the Melbourne Argus) we have received a few Hongkong papers to the 11th of April. From them we learn that the rebels had ...
Article : 431 wordsMr. A. Dodds, at the Rose Inn, at twelve, 260 and 225 acres of land, near the Red House, on the Old Line of Road to Singleton; also, at the Northumberland yards, at one, oaten and ...
Article : 184 words{No abstract available}
Family Notices : 271 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 4,905 wordsWe have received Melbourne papers to the 19th May. The Melbourne Herald prepared a general statement of the progress of Victoria, as usual, ...
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