She tumbled out of bed in her tin-roofed house, feeling as greasy as a sardine looks, for the night had been like a series of Turkish baths, minus the rubbing down. Now, just at the best time to rest ...
Article : 1,576 wordsThe earth hath God given to the children of men," was the text chosen by the Bishop of Newcastle (Dr. Stanton) while preaching at All Saints', Woollahra, yesterday morning (says the Daily ...
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Advertising : 1,031 wordsMr. Harry Howell is recovering from a nasty and painful accident. A few mornings ago he was opening a baker's oven door. Whilst it was swinging, it was unconsciously pushed back by another person ...
Article : 403 wordsNo rain has visited us as yet, and things are just as bad as they can be. The outlook is heart-breaking to the unfortunates on the land. If rain does not come hum soon, it means absolute ruin to ...
Article : 327 wordsAt the Queenstown Police Court on Saturday Norman Brownrigg, teller of the Bank of Australasia, and Charles W. Leeming, post and telegraph master of the Queenstown office, who were arrested on ...
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Advertising : 413 wordsParallels of Mr. Kipling's. "Islanders" with classic writers have got as far back as Euripides. Mr. R. A. Streatfield has just translated a passage from a fragment of a lost ...
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The Maitland Daily Mercury (NSW : 1894 - 1939), Tue 4 Mar 1902, Page 4
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