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  2. No title

    A number of well-known criminals have been sent to gaol in Adelaide for terms well over the Christmas holidays. The Premier says New South Wales has ...

    Article : 496 words
  3. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 399 words
  4. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 181 words
  5. St. Paul's Church.

    Christmas services will be held at 7 a.m., 11 a.m., and 7.30 p.m. There will be two celebrations of the Holy Communion, and special Christmas music at the morning and ...

    Article : 71 words

    The delivery of letters on Christmas Day will be the same as on Sunday. On Boxing Day the Post Office mil be open till noon, and the telegraph office will remain open all ...

    Article : 66 words
  7. The Singer Almanac.

    We have received a copy of the Singer Almanae for 1908, which is a veritable storehouse of interesting and useful information. The chronicle of notable Australian events ...

    Article : 118 words
  8. Nil Desperandum Lodge.

    The halt-yearly meeting of Nil Desperandum Lodge, No. 42. Protestant Alliance Friendly Society of Australasia, was held last evening, when the following ...

    Article : 132 words
  9. Cycling Carnival.

    A grand cycling carnival will take place on the Rugby. Football Ground, Newcastle, on Christmas afternoon. All the champion cyclists will compete, including Teb ...

    Article : 84 words
  10. Prisoners' Aid Association.

    A meeting of the Maitland branch of the Prisoners' Aid Association of New South Wales was held in the Mayor's room, Town Hall, last evening. Mr. E. P. Carr presided, and those ...

    Article : 104 words
  11. Successful Nurses.

    Recently Nurses Mills and Rather, who have completed their course at the Maitland Hospital as probationers, sat for their final examination, success in which entitled ...

    Article : 109 words
  12. The Fijian Cricketers.

    Having scored an easy victory over the Newcastle representatives yesterday, the Fijian; cricketers came on to Maitland this morning, and will to-morrow, Christmas afternoon ...

    Article : 250 words
  13. Christmas Dinners.

    Though unable to participate in the general round of festivities outside on Christmas Day and during the remainder of the Costive season, those unfortunate enough ...

    Article : 181 words
  14. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 8 words
  15. Police Court.

    The bench at the West Maitland Police Court this morning was occupied by Mr. C. H. Gale, relieving P.M. Richard Mongovin was fined 10s, or 48 hours, for being drunk and disorderly in ...

    Article : 60 words

    In addition to these bodily movements which are called "voluntary," various bodily phenomena which are clearly involuntary accompany violent mental excitement. The blush of ...

    Article : 553 words
  17. Sale of Household Furniture.

    Attention is directed to the advertisement in this issue announcing the sale of superior household furniture to be conducted by Mr. J. Enright, auctioneer, at the residence of Mr. W. J. McGrath ...

    Article : 77 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 7 words
  19. Mr. W. A. Squire.

    Mr. W. A. Squire, who for the last eleven years has been engaged in journalistic work in South Af rica, returned to Sydney lost Saturday. Prior to proceeding to South Africa, Mr. Squire resided ...

    Article : 63 words
  20. Oakhampton Progress Association.

    A meeting of the Oakhampton and District Progress Association was hold at the Rutherford Hotel last evening. Mr. H. Winder presided over the following:—Messrs. C. Kirk, W. Howard, W. ...

    Article : 769 words
  21. Toronto Regatta.

    Visitors to Toronto on Boxing Day, who will have the advantage of cheap excursion trains from all stations, will be interested doubtless in the annual regatta to be held on the Lake on that day. ...

    Article : 53 words
  22. Presentation.

    A pleasant little ceremony took place in the vestry at St. Mary's Church, last evening, when the Rector, the Rev. Arthur Killworth, M.A., LL.B., the churchwardens, and members of the Parochial ...

    Article : 362 words

    "On earth, pence, good-will towards men" is the message of the Christmas season, which has been repeated in many clinics and to many different races of men throughout the world ...

    Article : 954 words
  24. Methodist Church.

    At the Christmas service at the Methodist Church to-morrow morning, from 9.30 to 10.16, an address will be given by Joni Ravai, who is a minister of the Methodist Church in Fiji and chaplain to the ...

    Article : 91 words
  25. Public Works Tenders.

    Tenders have been accepted for the following public works:—Repairs to Billabong Bridge, Browarrina, G. Hutton, Brewarrina, £380 8s; repairs to bridge over Barwon River at Brewarrina, F. ...

    Article : 184 words
  26. St. John Ambulance Association.

    A meeting, of the East Maitland and District St. John Ambulance Association was hold at the hall, East Maitland, last evening. Mr P. Ferry (president) occupied the chair, and there was a good ...

    Article : 446 words
  27. A Pleasant Gathering.

    In accordance with his usual custom, Mr. G. F. King, A.R.C.O., organist of St. Mary's Church, last night entertained the members of the choir at his fine residence, "Brough House," after choir practice ...

    Article : 399 words
  28. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 272 words

    With the most important firms in England the premium apprentice has now become almost extinct. Experience has proved more often than not that be is a serious ...

    Article : 203 words
  30. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 49 words



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