We have been visited to-day with one of the most terrific hail storms ever witnessed here. A gentleman who has lived here for thirty years informs me that he never during that time saw ...
Article : 533 wordsINSOLVENCY PROCEEDINGS.—An adjourned special meeting was held in the estate of Edwd. Smith Hill. The insolvent was examined at considerable length by Mr. Rogers, ...
Article : 302 wordsUpon every abstract principle of justice, as well as political economy, the case of the Australian winegrower appears to me irresistible. How can the home government refuse to put ...
Article : 556 wordsHis Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint the following gentleman to be a commissioner of crown lands, to act within the boundaries of the colony, viz.: ...
Article : 421 wordsSEPT. 21.—Cygnet, schooner, 29 tons, Captain Johnson, from Moreton Bay the 17th instant. 22.—William Jardine, ship, 672 tons, ...
Article : 2,774 wordsSIR—Finding that the Legislative Council have it in contemplation to impose a postage on newspapers, I think it right to inform you that should the Act pass I shall then discontinue ...
Article : 98 wordsMr. Jeremiah Ledsam, on the ground, Muswell Brook, at twelve, a piece of land in the main street, with brick cottage. The Sheriff, at the London Tavern, ...
Article : 107 wordsMONDAY, 10TH SEPT.—Stoney Creek (Dalwood) at half-past 6. Drew straight across the Tangorin back run, and through the Church Reserve to the Belford paddocks. Got upon a ...
Article : 631 words{No abstract available}
Family Notices : 20 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 1,257 wordsBy the Kate, English news to the 13th June has been received. The only files we have received by the late arrivals at Sydney are for May. We are therefore indebted to ...
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