"We do not want your cheers only, we want your help," was the opening sentence of Lieut. Wilson's speech from the deck of the destroyer at the conclusion of the patriotic ...
Article : 505 wordsAt a further sitting yesterday of the Interstate Commission, which is investigating house rents, a number of timber merchants gave evidence chiefly in relation to the higher ...
Article : 785 wordsInfluenza is Still serious in London. Fifty-four persons were sained in the streets and taken to the hospital in 24 hours, making 289 thus seized in 10 days. No less than 315 ...
Article : 61 wordsSir Dauglas Haig, reporting at midnight on Monday, stated:— The Fourth, Third, and First British Armies attacked between the Sambro Canal at Olsy ...
Article : 693 wordsThe Anglo-French have advanced between a mile and two miles practically on the whole of a 30-miles front, and have taken 4000 prisoners. They have also captured Landrecies. ...
Article : 468 wordsIt is officially announced in Washington that the Allies have unanimously agreed on the terms to be offered Germany. If accepted, they will mean Germany's surrender and the immediate end of the war. ...
Article : 125 wordsAs Sir Douglas Haig's noon report was the only official message which had been receivedfrom the British front up to a into hour last night, the progress of the offensive southwa[?]d ...
Article : 330 wordsThe influenza epidemic is now everywhere dying out except in some of the native areas. ...
Article : 21 wordsThe influenza epidemic at Auckland shows no signs of abatement. The tramway staff is seriously affected, and the service is 22 cars short. ...
Article : 146 wordsConsequent on the outbreaks of Spanish influenza, instructions have, been issued by the authorities that all vessels for. New South Wales from New Zealand and other infected ...
Article : 53 wordsThe authorities have decided that Deputy Chief Officer Jackson, Divisional Officer Lambourne, and seven firemen from headquarters, together with Captain Hildebrand, of the ...
Article : 84 wordsFollowing up the success achieved in their opening attack on Friday last the Americans westward of the Mouse have continued to make important progress towards the enemy's main ...
Article : 349 wordsIt is pointed out in military circles in Washington that Germany is now faced with possible invasion on three sides. There will be no cessation of ...
Article : 536 wordsThe fine imposed upon seven members of the Manly Municipal Council in connection with their acceptance of free passes to travel on the Manly ferries ...
Article : 146 wordsPeter Simonoff, 35, who claims to be the consular representative in Australia of the Bolshevik Government, was proceeded against at the Central Police Court yesterday under ...
Article : 244 wordsAt a meeting of graziers and farmers, held to protest against the State Government scheme, Mr. E. A. Lee, M.L.A., read the following telegram from the Premier:—"The ...
Article : 541 wordsOur troops completed the task of driving back the enemy beyond the Ghent-Terneuzen Canal. The Germans now hold only a few machine-gun nests on the west bank of the ...
Article : 198 wordsThe executive officers of the Colliery Employees' Federation replied to-day to the statement made by Mr. Grahame when criticising the attitude of the executive in regard ...
Article : 259 wordsIt is reported from Washington that the Austrian armistice provides for the complete surrender and opening of Austro-Hungarian territory for operations by the Allies against Germany. ...
Article : 160 wordsCertain cablegrams published this morning contain further confirmation of the belief previously expressed by advocates of the policy of reprisals. It has frequently been contended ...
Article : 372 wordsMr. James Marion, general secretary of the New South Wales Alliance, made the following statement last night— "Having learned that there was to be a ...
Article : 255 wordsMr. Lansing (United States Secretary of State) has received a German Note stating that Germany ceased air bombing on October 1, and inquiring why the Allies did not do ...
Article : 97 wordsThe Sketch Club, in connection with the Society of Womon Painters, is holding a small exhibition of water colour sketches and calendara in the rooms of the Art Society, ...
Article : 253 wordsA French Eastern communique, issued at midnight on Monday, stated: The Servians are occupying the right bank of the Danube, and have captured Valievo. They are advancing ...
Article : 43 wordsAccording to a message from Geneva, crowds in Vienna joyously welcomed the news of the armistlce. Few Austraian newspapers comment thereon in the absence of details. ...
Article : 74 wordsInformation has been received that Gunner Eric N. C. Leggo, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Leggo, of Stanmore, died of gunshot wounds on October 20. He was a medical ...
Article : 391 wordsMr. Justice Powers, in the claim of the Commonwealth Public Service Artisans' Association, fixed the following rates, subject to the condition that rates fixed by the State ...
Article : 179 wordsThe Premier stated to-day that he had received a communication from the Deputy Commissioner of Railways (Mr. Brown), at Townsville, stating that Burns, Philp had tendered ...
Article : 146 wordsThe Paris correspondent of the United Press telegraphs that the "Petit Journal" prints an unconfirmed report from Athens to the effect that the Allies have arrived at ...
Article : 47 wordsThe situation in Vienna is critical. Red Guards are already regularly constituted. Soldiery are p[?]llaging the military food depts and selling articles to civilians at fancy prices. ...
Article : 135 wordsThe "Morning Post" complains that the dominions were not represented at the Versailles Conference and points out that Mr. Hughes was not invited, though still in ...
Article : 29 wordsJohn James Crummy, 9 years, son of a wellknown coachbuilder, climbed a big gum tree, searching for a bird's nest. When nearly 40ft from the ground the boy slipped, but ...
Article : 75 wordsA French eastern communique on Sunday night stated: Following the capture of Belgrade, the defeated Germans and Austrians retired to the north bank of the Danube. ...
Article : 46 wordsAn American communique issued at midnight on Monday stated: 145 aeroplanes bombed crowded enemy traffic at Montmedy. We destroe[?]d 30 enemy areoplanes. Seven ...
Article : 30 wordsA Rome message states that there was great enthusiasm over the occupation of Trieste, Trent, and Udine. Cheering crowds marched through the streets during the day time, and ...
Article : 320 wordsThe Federal Cabinet has decided to approve of preference on eight or nine products of Papua that are in substantial competition with Australian products. This could be done ...
Article : 112 wordsThe United States has recognised the independence of the new Polish State. It is Announced in Washington that the Government of the United States has recognised ...
Article : 44 wordsAccording to an Amsterdam message, serious peril prevails in Western Austria owing to the flight af the armies from the front, who are plundering villages and burning ...
Article : 84 wordsThe Premier has announced that the Government had completed the purchase fro[?] J. H. S. Barnes, of Lyndhurst Station, a property in North Queensland, comprising about ...
Article : 50 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 54 wordsThe Press Bureau announces that Sir Auckland Geddes Will became President of the Local Government Board, retaining his present office of Minister for National Service. Mr. ...
Article : 43 wordsThe discovery of alluvial gold has been made on the Kirk Connell Estate, four miles from Yetholme, and applications aggregating 40 acres have been entered at the Bathurst ...
Article : 36 wordsBritish troops during the pursuit discovered that German machine-gunners had adopted the trick of donning Belgian workmen's clothes and putting the British on the wrong ...
Article : 45 wordsThe Rev. Angus King, of Haberfield, has been elected the first president of the Australian Protestant Federation. There were delegates present from New South Wales, ...
Article : 37 wordsThe second National Economy Exhibition will be opened to-day at 2.30 by Lady Cullen, Over 100 different films' displays and exhibits are on show or in operation. An address will ...
Article : 39 wordsThe death is announced from New York of Mrs. Russell Sage, the philanthropist, aged [?]0 years. Mr. Bonar Law stated in the House of ...
Article : 89 wordsThe "Manchester Guardian" says: "Australian newspaper criticisms do not show signs that Australia is no passionately eager to boycott Germany after the war, and for ...
Article : 65 wordsReplying to statements alleging ill-treatment of cattle consigned from Seven Hills to Coonamble, in respect of which the Minister for Public Works and Railways made ...
Article : 72 wordsThe report of the Caledonian-Australian Mortgage Company for the past year shows a profit of £1693. A dividend of 3¾ per cent. has been recommended. The sum of £154 is ...
Article : 40 wordsWynne Raymond, a lieutenant in the Indian cavalry, formerly of Southland, New Zealand, has been killed in action. The Italian community in Capetown last ...
Article : 96 wordsMr. Harold Gilchrist, aged 41, died on Sunday, also William Roy Holmen, 17, yesterday morning, from burns received while fighting Saltern Creek grass fire. Mr. Thorps is in ...
Article : 38 wordsShortly after 9 o'clock last night a fire occurred at Langdon and Langdon's timber yard, Annandale, but was extinguished before much damage was done. ...
Article : 31 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Wed 6 Nov 1918, Page 11
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