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Detailed lists, results, guides : 151 wordsTHE GARDEN: Sow cabbage, lettuce, radish, turnips, carrots, peas, cucumbers, pumpkins, vegetable marrows, melons, and French beans. Plant out cabbages, lettuces, l[?]eks, eschalots, and sweet potatoes.—THE FIELD; ...
Article : 73 wordsIn the estate of Thomas Harrison, a third meeting was held at Sydney, on Monday, at which Edward Campbell proved a claim for £67 12s. The meeting was then adjourned to ...
Article : 112 wordsTHE squatters who are entitled to claim leases under the Order in Council, and who have not yet sent in their claims, will do well to bear in mind, that no ...
Article : 1,135 wordsThe following letter, written by a gentl[?]man well known in Sydney, contains interesting information:- "I wrote to you via Adelaide or Hobart ...
Article : 713 wordsTrade has been very dull this week. Soap maintains its high wholesale price, and there are now few stores where it can be obtained retail under 5d. per lb. ...
Article : 312 wordsAt Murrurundi, on the 4th of September, from Wallabadah—One brindle and white poley bullock, branded SH near shoulder; one red and white heifer, branded WS off thigh; one red and ...
Article : 3,109 wordsSIR—I conceive I am called on in the absence of my brother, Mr. Allan Hickey, to notice the verdict delivered by a jury on Monday last, respecting the death of Mark Duffy, my late ...
Article : 230 wordsWe are in receipt of Port Phillip papers to the 12th September. From the following extracts it will be seen that four out of the five real-representation ...
Article : 1,808 wordsSEPT 19.—Waterlily, schooner, 155 tons, Captain Gwatkin, from Hobart Town the 12th instant. Passengers—Mrs. Langmaid and child, Mr. John M'Cullor. ...
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