MT DEAR MOYA,— The pupils attending Mrs. Ruthven's School of Music gare their annual concert on the evening of the 18th at the Y. M. C. A. Hall. An excellent programme was ...
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Advertising : 519 wordsDr. W. Odillo Maher, the distinguished Australian eye specialist, who left Sydney shortly after the terrible railway accident at Redfern, in which he was so severely injured, has returned to spend his ...
Article : 250 wordsWord has been received by cable from England, of the death of Mr. Robert Ettingsall Beattie, M.R.C. P., L.R.C. S. I. The deceased gentleman succumbed to injuries ...
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Freeman's Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1932), Sat 28 Dec 1895, Page 10
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