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  2. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 45 words
  3. Liberal [?]

    Mr. J. G. Carroll, Liberal organiser, addressed a meeting of members of the Cooma branch Liberal Association of New ...

    Article : 2,421 words
  4. Intercolonial News.

    In the Legislating Assembly, last night the Premier stated that the Redistribution of Seats resolution would be debated on ...

    Article : 47 words
  5. Manaro [?] Wedding Celebration.

    The heartiest congratulations were on Tuesday last showered upon Mr. and Mrs. Charles Solomon, of Cooma, the 26th ...

    Article : 894 words
  6. Cooma Senior Cadets.

    An inspection of "O" Company senior cadets, musketry instruction, and field firing took place on Tuesday and ...

    Article : 476 words
  7. Stamp Duties Bill Abandoned.

    In the Legislative Council, Mr. Flowers announced that the Stamp Duties Bill would be abandoned. ...

    Article : 19 words
  8. Closer Settlement Amendment Bill.

    In the Assembly early this morning, Mr. Beeby moved the second reading of the Closer Settlement Amendment Bill. ...

    Article : 49 words
  9. Family Notices

    {No abstract available}

    Family Notices : 89 words
  10. A Rents Regulation Court.

    The Minster for Education gave notice of a Bill to provide for the establishment of a Rents Regulation Court. ...

    Article : 23 words
  11. Ball at Bredbo.

    The Ball held in aid of the Brodbo R.C. Church fund came off on the 22nd instant, and was financially and socially the ...

    Article : 377 words
  12. The Referenda Bill.

    In the House of Representative the debate on the Referendum Bill was continued. ...

    Article : 20 words
  13. Labour Party and Unification.

    Mr. Green said the policy of the Labour party was towards Unification, so as to make the Federal Parliament supreme. ...

    Article : 24 words
  14. Local and General News

    During the drawing of the Art Union at the Cooma School of Arts on Wednesday night. Mr. F. F. Mitchell said he had a ...

    Article : 560 words
  15. Fire Fatality at Bendigo.

    A building occupied by a family named Murtin, near Bendigo, was destroyed by fire. Mr. Martin, after getting his ...

    Article : 48 words
  16. Interstate Cricket.

    New' South Wales defeated Toowoomba by seven wickets. Eric Barbour, for the Latter, scored 114. ...

    Article : 19 words
  17. General Cables.

    The Albanian national flag is stated to have been hoisted on the Government buildings of Durazzo. ...

    Article : 35 words
  18. Adrianople in Flames.

    Adrianople is stated to be in flames. The fire was started by bombs dropped from aeroplanes. ...

    Article : 20 words
  19. Turkish Deaths from Cholera.

    Seventeen thousand Turks are believed to have died of cholera only 8 per cent. of those attacked being saved. ...

    Article : 25 words
  20. Australian Footballers' Defeat.

    The Victoria, British Columbia, team defeated the Australian Rugby team by 13 to 11pts. Winchcombe Curson, ...

    Article : 321 words
  21. Cooma Municipal By-Election.

    Wednesday last was the date fixed for the polling in connection with the election to fill the extraordinary vacancy caused ...

    Article : 239 words
  22. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 37 words
  23. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 61 words



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