"Freeman's Journal" states that its call for a truce is now the chief topic of conversation throughout Ireland. It claims that the military's intimation that armed guards will ...
Article : 150 wordsA Copenhagen message reports that M. Litvinoff (Soviet Foreign Minister), in the course of an interview, said that Poland had allowed herself to become the tool of French ...
Article : 214 wordsThe unusual spectacle of a trades union declaring itself to be "sick" of some of its members and expressing its desire to see them expelled from the industry in which they had ...
Article : 1,045 wordsThe forecast published yesterday of the conclusions of Mr. Justice Ewing, who conducted the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the oases of the 12 I.W.W. prisoners, was confirmed last night, when the full text of his Honor's report was made available. ...
Article : 170 wordsMr. Robert Donald, Chairman of the Empire Press Union, continuing his address at the civic luncheon given to the delegates of the Imperial Press Conference, said the conference ...
Article : 414 wordsTo-day was essentially a day for the people. Having the morning free, his Royal Highness again visited Ascot racecourse, and rode ...
Article : 733 wordsConsiderable controversy is inevitable in the event of the Government resorting to the War-time Defence of the Realm regulations to prevent Archbishop Mannix landing in ...
Article : 48 wordsA message from Brussels says that dissatisfied ex-soldiers made a disorderly demonstration and broke through a cordon of police. They entered the Chamber of Representatives ...
Article : 71 wordsA message from Berlin says the Imperial Court in Leipzig has ordered the release of Dr. Dorden, who, last year, headed a Separatist movement in the Rhine provinces, and ...
Article : 193 wordsMr. A. H. Ashbolt, Agent-General for Tasmania, entertained a large party of AngloAustralians at a Tasmanian garden party at "The Grove," Stanmore, a charming country ...
Article : 75 words"When the Crown case was presented to the jury, in November, 1916, the evidence of four witnesses, namely, Davis Goldstein, Louis Goldstein, Scully, and M'Alister, was given in ...
Article : 7,182 wordsIn the House of Commons, on the motion for the third reading of the Finance Bill, Mr. Asquith contended that wasteful and extravagant expenditure was more attributable ...
Article : 184 wordsA message from Tokio says it is officially stated that the Mikado has been suffering from diabetes and sciatica, necessitating rest. He has recovered, but is not yet strong enough ...
Article : 35 wordsSir Arthur Conan Doyle was entertained at luncheon prior to his departure on a lecturing tour of Australia and New Zealand. He asked all who communicated with the dead ...
Article : 70 wordsThe Secretariat of the League of Nations announces that the subjects to be discussed at the meeting of the Council in San Sebastian, on July 30, include:— ...
Article : 116 wordsQueen Alexandra has sent the first wireless telephone message to Scandinavia, conveying warmest greetings to Stockholm. ...
Article : 20 wordsNo confirmation has been published of the Simla statement that the Prince's visit to India has been postponed owing to ill-health. Those in official circles, however, believe it to ...
Article : 94 wordsSylvia Pankhurst is missing from her home at Bethnal Green. ...
Article : 16 wordsReplying to Colonel Wedgwood in the House of Commons, Lieutenant-Colonel Amery (Under-secretary for the Colonies) outlined changes in the Constitution of Ceylon, ...
Article : 207 wordsHowell, playing against Yorkshire, secured three wickets for 3 runs. Mr. Warner has announced his coming retirement. He plays his last match with ...
Article : 38 wordsTo-night the following official announcement was made concerning the Prince's outback tour in New South Wales:— "The tour, which will commence on August 5, ...
Article : 178 wordsOn Thursday night Mr. Marr (N.S.W.) intimated his intention, when the Supply Bill was under consideration in the House of Representatives, of forcing a decision on the ...
Article : 789 wordsPlaying against Warwickshire Waddington took seven wickets for 21 runs. Convictions for drunkenness in 1919 in England and Wales totalled 67,848, compared ...
Article : 99 wordsThe slow progress which has been made with legislation in the House of Representatives led the Prime Minister to move when the House met this morning that on each sitting ...
Article : 329 wordsWhen the Supply Bill was in committee in the House of Representatives to-day Mr. J. T. Ryan (N.S.W.), in order to test the feeling of the committee, moved to add to clause 2 the ...
Article : 180 wordsThe Federated Seamen's Union of Australia has decided to object to Japanese being employed on steamers while engaging in the coastal and interstate trade. ...
Article : 122 wordsA message from Tientsin states that the Mukden troops are engaged in rounding up and disarming Tuan Chi Jui's stragglers. Chang Tso Lin declares the he intends to ...
Article : 49 wordsThe signing of the Turkish treaty is likely to be delayed owing to a serious disagreement between Italy and Greece over the disposition of the Dodecanese Islands (off the ...
Article : 41 wordsWhile riding a horse in Regent-street, Redforn, yesterday, Richard James, 14, a schoolboy, fell off and rolled under the wheels of a lorry, which passed over his head. Death was ...
Article : 39 wordsThe Board of Trade announces that the Imperial Shipping Committee is prepared to receive before January 1 suggestions from any persons or bodies in the Empire, regarding ...
Article : 45 wordsThe final proceedings in connection with the Jerger case took place at the Police Court to-day, when an application to make absolute an order nisi of Habeas Corpus was ...
Article : 100 wordsAlice May Winifred, aged 22 months, living in Union-street, Erskineville, died at the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital on Thursday from the effect of injuries received through ...
Article : 47 wordsA White Paper, issued by the Ministry of Munitions, states that the sales [?] surplus Government stores and raw materials on trading accounts from the time of the ...
Article : 64 wordsA wharf-labourer named Petersen was knocked down by a tram in Elizabeth-street, near Eddy-avenue, last night. He passed behind a stationary tram, and was struck by ...
Article : 64 wordsIn the House of Representatives to-day, the Prime Minister, in is ply to Mr. Ryan (N.S.W.), said that the Ministry was guaranteeing the costs and undertaking the defence of Sir ...
Article : 95 wordsIn the Senate to-day the Papua Act Amendment Bill and the Census and Statistics Bill were passed, and the Institute of Science and Industry Bill was read a first time. ...
Article : 294 wordsAt the Liverpool wool sales 23,000 bales of Australian, and 5500 bales of New Zealand wool were offered. The demand was slack, and about 7000 were sold at late London ...
Article : 37 wordsThe body of an unknown man, about 55 years of age, was found floating in the Glebe colliery dam this afternoon. In a pocket of the coat a Steel Works Club book, bearing the name ...
Article : 96 wordsOwing to decreasing supplies the retail price of Government butter is to be raised by /4 Per lb in the middle of August. BRADFORD WOOL. ...
Article : 134 wordsAt a meeting of the Lithgow branch of the A.L.P. a motion was carried that the league communicate with all leagues throughout the Commonwealth, through the executive in ...
Article : 92 wordsAt the Maitland District Court, before Judge Cohen, Bernice Greenaway, a widow, obtained a verdict against the Chief Commissioner for Forestry for £500 ...
Article : 105 wordsIt is officially reported that there is every prospect of a satisfactory settlement of the coalminers' dispute, which is now being discussed between the Mine Owners' Association ...
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Sat 31 Jul 1920, Page 13
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