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  2. Local Intelligence.

    ON Thursday last eight selection were made, embracing an area of 768 acres; the deposit money amounting to £192. The following is a description of each ...

    Article : 2,855 words
  3. Religious.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 24 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 106 words
  5. presbyterian CHURCH SERVICES.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 92 words
  6. District Items.

    As is usually the case in small, quiet townships like ours, those desirous of gratifying their itch of caocthes scribend must always start with that worn-out topic, the weather. However, I am ...

    Article : 631 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 22 words
  8. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 146 words
  9. No title

    Moon has already been said and written on the subject of immigration, and to inducements that should be offered to secure such a class of emigrants that ...

    Article : 1,797 words
  10. Law Courts.

    BEFORE the Police Magistrate and Mr. Byrne. Joseph Blewitt was charged with stealing a number of lambs the properly of Mr. Cunningham, of Lanyon. Mr. ...

    Article : 176 words
  11. Telegrams.

    THE Revolutionists at Carthagena are preparing to surrender. The money market is easy. A furtcer reduction in the rate of discount is expected. ...

    Article : 106 words

    BUGGY ACCIDENT.—Last Saturday morning, after the heavy rain of the previous night, the Molonglo River rose to a considerable height. Mr. Alders, a ...

    Article : 962 words

    Police v. J. Green.—Defendant resided at Brown Mountain. An Old man named James Harris was brought to prove he had bought meat from Green, ...

    Article : 322 words
  14. Fate Intelligence.

    SYDNEY, Wednesday.—Tuesday, 23rd instant has been fixed for the execution of dares for the Orange road murder.—The share market is at a standatilla. WAGGA WAGGA, Monday-Yass Courier's ...

    Article : 686 words



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