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  2. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 242 words
  3. Gunnedah Cattle Sale.

    Messrs, Penrose and Co. will offer at auction at Gunnedah on Tuesday next, 400 head of mixed cattle. ...

    Article : 23 words

    A meeting of citizens, convened by the Mayor (Alderman Waterhouse), was held at the council chambers on Monday night. The object of the meeting was to consider the ...

    Article : 1,130 words
  5. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 299 words
  6. The Temperature.

    To-day was extremely hot and trying. The shade temperature registered at the local telegraph office up till 3 o'clock this afternoon was 107 degrees. ...

    Article : 25 words
  7. Big Sale of Store Cattle.

    Messrs. Pitt, Son and Badgery, in conjunction with Messrs. Edward Higgens, Parkinson and Co., will hold a big sale of store cattle at Muswellbrook yards on ...

    Article : 54 words
  8. An Illegal Game.

    The Solicitor-General has expressed the opinion that the game known as Indian Darto (throwing darts at numbers on a board)is illegal, and played under ordinary circumstances will constitute a ...

    Article : 62 words
  9. Travelling Kitchen Fund.

    As a result of the generous response of the Maitland district to the appeal for subscriptions on behalf of the Travelling Kitchen Fund, Mrs. Hobden was able to ...

    Article : 238 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 56 words

    At a meeting of the directors of the West Maitland Cooperative Banking Society, on Monday evening, Mr. John Gash was unanimously reelected chairman of the board ...

    Article : 39 words
  12. Soldiers' Appreciation of Kits.

    Gratification wan manifested last evening at a meeting of the combined patriotic committees at the receipt of letters from soldiers, expressing appreciation of the ...

    Article : 231 words
  13. A Soldier's Death.

    The Defence Department notifies the death of Private Frederick Howers, C Company, Third Tropical Battalion, from malaria, at Frederick Wilhelmshavon, on January 24. ...

    Article : 34 words
  14. Chamber of Commerce.

    A meeting of members of the Maitland and District Chamber of Commerce will be held in the committee room of the Town Hall to-morrow (Thursday) night to ...

    Article : 51 words

    The duration of the war is likely to be considerably influenced by the active participation of some of the smaller nationalities of Europe, which, though numerically small ...

    Article : 475 words
  16. Illness of Mr. W. J. Parker.

    The many friends of Mr. W.J. Parker, the highly respected teacher of the Allyn-brook Public School, and the many years teacher of the Gresford Public School, will very ...

    Article : 82 words
  17. Edwards and Co.'s Summer Sale.

    Messrs Edwards and Co., general drapers, mercers, etc., intimate by advertisement in this issue that their great summer sale starts to-morrow(Thursday), when ...

    Article : 42 words
  18. A Bishop on Parsimony.

    In the course of a special address in All Saints' Cathedral, Bathurst, Bishop Long said that the nerveless, parsimonious citizen of his own country was of lower worth ...

    Article : 134 words
  19. Double Your Earning Capacity.

    You can never do yourself justice if you handicap yourself with defective eyesight. The brain cannot work well if you are always suffering from headaches. I examine ...

    Article : 51 words
  20. Light Horse Officer Promoted.

    It will be learned with pleasure by his many friends in Maitland that Captain Granville, who is with the Australian Imperial Force in Egypt, being attached to the ...

    Article : 77 words
  21. Death of Mr. E.K. Wolstenholme.

    News has been received by his relatives in Maitland of the death of Mr. E. K. Wolstenholme, eldest son of the late MR. James Wolstenholme. He was a native of ...

    Article : 62 words
  22. Death of Mr. James Post.

    News will be received with very great regret of the sudden death of Mr. James Post, one of Maitland's oldest and most respected townsmen, which occurred at his ...

    Article : 539 words
  23. Presentation.

    Prior to his marriage, Mr. Jack Faikinor was presented with a handsome marble clock by a number of his friends, [?] a took opportunity of showing their esteem for ...

    Article : 95 words
  24. Proposed Tramway Extension.

    The Director-General of Public Works has written to Lieut-Colonel Nicholson, M.L.A., under date February 1, as follows:—" Referring to the letter dated December ...

    Article : 130 words
  25. Rosebrook Progress Association.

    The usual monthly meeting of the above was held on Thursday night at Mr. G. Knipe's residence. The president, Mr. W.R. Jarvies, presided, and there were also present — Messrs. G. ...

    Article : 977 words
  26. Senior-sergeant Cowie Retires.

    Senior-sergeant Cowie, who has been in charge of the police force at Inverell since 1900 and who will complete his term of service in May, has now retired on four months ...

    Article : 129 words

    Evangelist W.J. Williams died yesterday after a lingering illness. Deceased was stationed at Tarre. Four years ago whilst, at Broken Hill deceased was elected to the ...

    Article : 202 words
  28. Maitlanders in Egypt.

    The Mayor (Alderman C.J. Mannall) has received a letter from Captain Robert Scobie, with the Australian Imperial Expeditionary Force in Egypt, acknowledging ...

    Article : 168 words
  29. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 164 words



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