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Advertising : 4,540 wordsAgain there was silence. A cold and lonely wind cried, suddenly along the beach, and as suddenly was still. The flying sand stung our cheeks a second, then, as it subsided again. ...
Article : 1,720 wordsJean Gerardy's reappearance to-night after an absence of 20 years will assure one of the most brilliantly impressive openings to the winter season of 1923 that lovers of music ...
Article : 1,435 wordsMr. H. G. Wells has always been fond of depicting an ideal State, or, at any rate, a State in which, although it may not appeal to everyone's imagination, reason and science ...
Article : 1,576 wordsMr. John Lewis, M.L.C., whose "Fought and Won" contains the reminiscences of a busy life, comes of pioneering stock, and is a pioneer himself. His parents settled in South ...
Article : 614 wordsIn "Alice in One Dear Land," published not long ago, Mr. George Collingridge told us of a visit which his small heroine paid to Australia. When she went away she announced ...
Article : 236 wordsA critic who is anything but a stern moralist has declared that Murger's "Vie de Boheme" has done more mischief than any book in the world. In it Bohemia is invested ...
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Sat 14 Apr 1923, Page 10
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