A wedding which created considerable loi[?] interest took place at SS. Michel and John's Cathedral to-night, when Phyllis Jean, second daughter Of Dr. and Mrs. Hugh Busby, of ...
Article : 138 wordsThe Federal Council of the Miners' Federation met in Sydney yesterday and considered the position on the Northern coalfields, special attention being paid to the disputes at ...
Article : 642 wordsMr. John Sutherland Small, who died at his residence at Ormond-street, Paddington, yesterday, was one of the oldest employees of the "Sydney Morning Herald" and ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 471 wordsThe weather was far from propitious for the official ceremony, rain falling intermittently, with only occasional bursts of sunshine. Yet it is probable there was never a more crowded ...
Article : 2,856 wordsSo many members on both sides of the House of Representatives are anxious to speak in the general Budget debate that discussion is extending over several days. The feature ...
Article : 2,999 wordsAt the Quarter Sessions to-day, before Judge Hamilton, a young man, James Phillips Dederer, pleaded guilty to stealing in June last, at Merriwa a hundred rabbitskins, the ...
Article : 184 wordsNo sooner had the Legislative Assembly reassembled yesterday afternoon than there was the usual bombardment of Ministers with questions without notice. The fact that there ...
Article : 3,581 wordsThe annual meeting of the Clarence River district branch of the Grand United Order of Oddfellows was held on Saturday, District Master Bro. R. Folbigg presiding. The report ...
Article : 138 wordsSerious consequences were narrowly averted on Sunday morning, when a new car, fully loaded with passengers, raced over the Taree steam ferry. The driver could not ...
Article : 121 wordsIn view of the expansion of tobacco-growing, on the New South Wales side of the Murray, owing to the success met with at Jingellic, attention is being given to the Victorian side. ...
Article : 98 wordsWhen the Legislative Council met four newly-appointed members—Messrs. F. S. Boyce, C. J. McRae, J. A. Murdoch, and T. M., Shakespeare—took the oath of office. ...
Article : 1,071 wordsAt Gilgal the memorial for fallen soldiers was unveiled, the ceremony being performed by Mrs. Woodford, who had two sons from that contre killed at the front. The Rev. E. H. ...
Article : 121 wordsThere are many officers and men of the old militia days of New South Wales, and later of the Commonwealth, who hold in affectionate memory and respect the name of the late ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 262 words"The funeral of Mr. John Maughan, formerly of the Bank of New South Wales, took place yesterday morning at South Head Cemetery. The cortege moved from his late residence, ...
Article : 178 wordsWhen a young man named Leslie Magnay was leaning on a pea rifle the charge went off, blowing a hole through one hand and almost through the other. ...
Article : 675 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 161 wordsThe adjourned debate on the second reading of the bill to amend the Customs Act, received from the House of Representatives, was resumed in the Senate to-day, and occupied the ...
Article : 455 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 222 wordsThe P. and O. liner Bonalia, from London, landed 200 passengers at Fremantle, and 81 at Adelaide, including 62 farm apprentices, while there are 173 for Melbourne and 205 for ...
Article : 70 wordsA large gathering of residents was held at the Lagoon School of Arts, to protest against the Indiscriminate slaughter of native birds. It was decided to write to the Minister, ...
Article : 105 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 170 wordsMUDGEE, Tuesday.—Few flakes ofsnow fell in the town early on Sunday morning. Outside the fall was heavier, the hills being snow capped. At Stony Creek, twelve miles ...
Article : 61 wordsThe London "Weekly Dispatch" of February 25 contains the following report of a police court case: "He is crafty and overwhelmed with vauity," said a detective when Walter ...
Article : 80 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Wed 8 Aug 1923, Page 14
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