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  2. COBAR HOSPITAL Move to rule Dr Brady 'unsuited'

    SYDNEY, Thursday. — Mr W. Lewer, SM, said today he intended to deem Dr Allan ...

    Article : 381 words

    The French Government has issued a preliminary warning to ships and aircraft that a specified area around Mururoa Atoll has been designated a danger zone. ...

    Article : 125 words
  4. Easy week at new school

    Orientation Week for about 100 students and nine teachers at the School Without Walls ...

    Article : 109 words
  5. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 345 words
  6. Two French tests expected to be atmospheric

    At least two of France's proposed nuclcar tests in the South Pacific this year are ...

    Article : 344 words
  7. Clinic in new location

    Many women living in the central area of Canberra who were seeking immunisation for their ...

    Article : 66 words
  8. McPherson called 'a vicious criminal'

    SYDNEY, Thursday. — A Commonwealth police report read to the Royal Commission ...

    Article : 302 words
  9. Film classics on display

    The Canberra Film Society and the Dickson Public Library have arranged a display on the ...

    Article : 71 words

    Two men were committed for sentence to the ACT Supreme Court yesterday by Mr Dobson, ...

    Article : 495 words
  11. Australian jailed for drug offence

    KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday (AAP). — An Australian tourist, Mr Robert James Semple, ...

    Article : 356 words



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