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  2. Protectionist Indignation

    That protectionists are not a happy family was amply evidenced by the announcement in the public press convening a meeting of supporters of the protection cause at the Temperance Hall, ...

    Article : 636 words
  3. Brevities.

    The steamer Elingamite arrived at Lannceston at 11 a.m. yesterday from Sydney via Melbourne. The ship M'Callum More left Newcastle ...

    Article : 222 words
  4. Yesterday's Courts.

    Michael Vaughan, 32, laborer, was fined 40s, or twenty-one days, for having kicked and punched Constable Thomas. He was charged with having used insulting language toward Bridget Purcell, ...

    Article : 432 words
  5. The Weather.

    WILCANNIA, Saturday.—Weather cold and cloudy; very like rain. COROWA, Saturday.—It is still raining, and there is no appearance of a break. The River ...

    Article : 34 words
  6. Fires.

    A destructive fire broke out last evening in premises occupied by the proprietors of the AUSTRALASIAN BUILDER AND CONTRACTORS' NEWS and by Messrs, Baker and ...

    Article : 509 words
  7. Aqnatics.

    MACLEAN, Saturday.—The Clarence River Advocate of Friday morning contains a letter from Mr. H. S. Searle. father of the late champion sculler, referring to a report published in a recent issue of a ...

    Article : 222 words
  8. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 787 words
  9. Sporting.

    Our advertising columns contain the programme issued by the Lillie Bride proprietary for the weekly pony race meeting, to be held on Saturday evening next. The following are the events for which entries ...

    Article : 189 words

    Mr. Kelso King is the successful tenderer for the loan of £4000 required by the Enfield Council to carry out permanent works in the borough. ...

    Article : 26 words

    At the Parramatta Police Court on Friday, J. W. Lewiy was fined 10s, and 4s lOd costs, for driving at night without lights. A man named George Ramsay was killed-in ...

    Article : 490 words

    Number six of Carrington Novice Handicaps will start to-night, and if the weather holds out should draw a goes attendance. The first round will be continued on Tuesday and Wednesday, and the final ...

    Article : 66 words
  13. THE RING.

    MICK DOOLEY V JOE GODDARD.—These two big gnus will meet to a finish in the Sidney Club's rooms on Tuesday evening next, when there is every prospect of one of the Greatest battles ever fought in ...

    Article : 235 words
  14. WATER.

    Peter Furlong, 46, seaman, was fined 40s or seven days imprisonment in default for offending against decency in Watsons-road. John Russell, 34, dealer, was charged with being ...

    Article : 373 words
  15. Mining.

    BRISABNE, Friday.—The Normanby Machine Company's battery at Bowen was christened by Miss Mackenzie. About eight hundred tous of ore are booked from the welcome Company. A second parcel ...

    Article : 243 words

    Several improvements have been made at the Marrickville Grounds since the last handicap. A covered gallery has been added, so that sport can be continued in bad weather. Yesterday an All-comers' ...

    Article : 132 words
  17. Camden.

    For some time past there has been in our little township an unusual dearth of excitement; but last week the inhabitants were aroused from their lethargy by the announcement that a concert in ...

    Article : 431 words
  18. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 733 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 273 words

    To-day's ILLUSTRATED SYDNEY NEWS contains : seme excellent illustrations, among them being a series of sketches on the road to the South Head Lighthouse, and portraits of the late Rev. G. F. ...

    Article : 1,770 words
  21. BALMAIN.

    Amelia Dolphin, alias Ryan, 40, for stealing two pieces of fancy work, rained at 25s, the property of Henry George Harman,was sentenced to fourteen days' hard labor. ...

    Article : 45 words
  22. NEWTOWN.

    John Andrews, 14, for behaving in a riotous manner, was fined 20s, or three days' gaoL Maud Kitchen, a girl of 15, was brought up on a charge of wandering about the streets in no ...

    Article : 99 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 294 words

    For drunkenness, James Hart was fined 10s, or forty-eight hours; Eliza Spreading burg 5s, or twenty-four hours; and Charles Downes 10s, or forty-eight hours. For using obscane language ...

    Article : 271 words
  25. A Remarkable Woman.

    The widow of General Sebastiani, brother of Marshal Sebastiani, and uncle of the Duchess de Praslin of tragical memory, died at Ajaccio, Corsica, on the day of. the arrival there of M. ...

    Article : 274 words
  26. The Father in Australia.

    Mr. Wynne Baxter held an inquest at George-in-the-East, London, on May 3, respecting the death of Michael Charles Mahoney, aged 16 months, the son of a bricklayer. The mother, ...

    Article : 208 words
  27. Pastoral and Agricultural.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 99 words

    Dr. Chas, Cutmore, M.R.C.S., 5, Hogarth-road Kensington, S.W., says:" I have found it extremely valuable in the last stages of phthisis, where exhaustion has set in after the night sweets. Also in debility ...

    Article : 79 words

    Recently, at the Ermont Works of the French Northern. Railway, a carious electrical and mechanical instrument, called a " Schiseophone," was tested, with most satisfactory results. It ...

    Article : 72 words

    Clara: Yes; we think that ARNOTT'S MILK ARROWROOT BISCUITS are exceedingly useful for children (if over twelve months old). They are highly nutritions.—14. ...

    Article : 38 words



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