The published statement that the Potts Hill pressure tunnel had been a colossal blunder, involving £1,000,000, was controverted by Mr. T. B. Cooper, president of the Water ...
Article : 355 wordsMr. Jarvie, M.L.A., was further cross-examined by Mr. Windeyer, K.C. (for Fitzgibbon), yesterday, when the inquiry by Mr. Justice Davidson as a Royal Commission into ...
Article : 1,133 wordsMrs. Cornell died in Melbourne on Sunday, and her remains were brought to Urana for interment. She was 73 years old and a pioneer of the Urana district. She was the ...
Article : 100 wordsAt a largely-attended meeting of Albury railway employees last night strong exception was taken to the severe competition of motor services with the railways. The meeting ...
Article : 232 wordsSuperintendent Charles Turbet, who has been in charge of the Traffic Branch of the Police Department for the past five years, has retired, owing to ill-health. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 152 wordsThe Church, the Press, the Government, and the capitalistic system were vehemently abused last night during a public meeting, which had been convened, at the Town Hall ...
Article : 491 wordsThe possibility of paying a visit to the mission field in India during his term of office was indicated yesterday by the Rev. G. R. S. Reid, Moderator of the General Assembly ...
Article : 683 wordsAt the Surat Police Court, Edward Michael McNamee was charged that in April last he wilfully murdered a man known as Jack Green near Surat. Detective-Sergeant ...
Article : 443 wordsJohn Thorpe, 20, Edward Victor Carter, 20, and Frederick London, 19, were each fined £2, and ordered to pay 13/4 each as compensation, on a charge of illegally using a motor car, the ...
Article : 112 wordsAn Important public meeting took place to discuss the appointment of a deputation to wait on the Main Roads Board with a view to having the North Coast Highway diverted ...
Article : 163 wordsMiss Isabel Blanche, who has this year won the French Government Scholarship, received her early education at the Church of England Grammar Schools at Goulburn and ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 206 wordsJohn Harper Morton, a clerk, was convicted at the Goulburn Police Court yesterday morning on a charge of having stolen a cheque for £80, the property of his employers, D. ...
Article : 93 wordsAn examination of the official records was made at yesterday's sitting of the Royal Commission, which is inquiring into alleged irregularities at the Parramatta by-election, ...
Article : 1,038 wordsLate last night, on the main Melbourne to Wodonga road, near Albury, a large motor lorry loaded with explosives for the Hawkeview Arsenal, overturned and caught fire. The ...
Article : 67 wordsSir Thomas Henley, M.L.A., addressed members of the Presbyterian General Assembly in St. Stephen's Church last evening on "The Problem of Unemployment." The ...
Article : 342 wordsThe death has occurred of Mr. Joseph Seales, of Breadalbane, known as the district's "grand old man." Mr. Seales was 77 years of age. He had been a church warden of the ...
Article : 87 wordsCharles Geary, aged 60, who resides at 10 Mary-street, Kew, Victoria, was knocked down by a motor lorry in Pitt-street, near Bond-street, last evening, and suffered a ...
Article : 97 wordsMr. A. C. Ingham, principal of the firm of A. C. Ingham and Co., Ltd., timber merchants, is the chairman of Tattersall's Club for the next term, the ballot announced last night ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 152 wordsMr. Michael John Murphy, of Bulyeroi, one of the oldest and best known residents of the north-west, died suddenly on Saturday evening. Born at Bendigo 73 years ago, he ...
Article : 94 wordsRichard Wood, aged 12 years, of Victoria-street, King's Cross, received frightful injuries last night when he was run over by a motor car. He died shortly afterwards. ...
Article : 102 wordsA report from Oaklands states that coal of first-class quality is being mined near the township, about two miles from the Coorabin field, upon which considerable capital was ...
Article : 110 wordsThe General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of New South Wales yesterday considered the report of the committee on Church life and work, in which special reference was ...
Article : 334 wordsThieves perpetrated a daring robbery at Newtown last night, when they broke into a tailor's shop in the main thoroughfare and almost cleared it of its contents. ...
Article : 180 wordsAt a meeting of Cudgegong Shire Council the clerk (Mr. C. G. James) reported that the appeals to date in A and B ridings had left the finances of the council in a very ...
Article : 146 wordsThe sixth anniversary of the United Intercessory services, instituted during the healing mission in 1923, was commemorated yesterday. There was a crowded gathering of ...
Article : 180 wordsAt the North Sydney Court, before Mr. Laidlaw, S.M., an appeal was made on behalf of the Church of England Property Trust, Diocese of Sydney, against an assessment of ...
Article : 170 wordsAt a meeting of the Katoomba Council the engineer (Mr. C. Crowley), reporting on a proposal to do road work in Cascade-street, said that if a contractor could be found to ...
Article : 102 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 194 words"There can be no doubting the service a lawyer gives to the community," said Professor Peden in responding to the toast of "The Law School" at the annual dinner of the ...
Article : 268 wordsAt the conference of the Chambers of Commerce to-day Mr. J. M. Paxton (Sydney) moved: "That the Commonwealth be asked to erect a light on Point Lookout, near ...
Article : 88 wordsA new hospital, built and conducted by the Country Women's Association at Carinda, was opened to-day, about 300 people attending. The opening of the building was attended by ...
Article : 518 wordsThat it was the province of the churches to accomplish even more than they were doing to assist the League of Nations in the fulfilment of its ideals, and to arouse a wider ...
Article : 320 wordsMr. Henry Fulford, who was a leading memmer of the British Consular Corps in China from 1880 to 1917, was found dead to-day at his home in Walsh-street, South Yarra. His ...
Article : 107 wordsThe two most attractive part-songs on the Sydney Madrigal Society's programme last night were "The Lee Shore," by Coleridge-Taylor, and "My Love Dwelt in a Northern ...
Article : 352 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 214 wordsAn instructive address upon the history and structure of St. Andrew's Cathedral, illustrated by lantern slides, was delivered by the senior warden, Mr. Walter E. Gates, in the ...
Article : 202 wordsFor the first time yesterday members of Toc H. begnn a chain of light. Every Toc H. meeting begins with the ceremony of light. In the dim glow of a lamp ...
Article : 166 wordsAddressing the Mungindi Parents and Citizens' Association at the last monthly meeting Dr. Madden, of the Education Department, stated that the medical profession had placed ...
Article : 102 wordsMr. C. W. Campbell, president of the Queensland Employers' Federation, has issued an appeal to the employers of Queensland for each to find employment for at least one ...
Article : 115 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 182 wordsAn attempt to burn the Presbyterian Church at Cambridge was frustrated by the caretaker, who discovered smoke issuing from a window. Bursting open a side door, which ...
Article : 70 wordsThe annual Empire Day dinner will be held at the Hotel Australia on May 24. The Governor-General (Lord Stonehaven) and Lady Stonehaven, and the Governor (Sir ...
Article : 65 wordsOwing to the engine back-firing, the petrol tank of an omnibus, which was travelling from Drummoyne to the city yesterday, burst into flames when the vehicle was crossing ...
Article : 114 wordsAn appeal has been lodged by Mr. W. C. P. Harvey, custodian of expropriated properties in New Guinea, against his suspension, and the penalty imposed upon him by the ...
Article : 72 wordsThe State secretary of the Returned Soldiers' League (Mr. W. J. Stagg) said yesterday that for the A.I F. reunion dinner on August 8 he had been already asked to reserve 1000 ...
Article : 66 wordsThe proposed rest home to be built at Curl Curl by the Government is intended as a holiday home for children from country districts and [?] children from the poorer ...
Article : 70 wordsThe Minister for Education (Mr. Drummond) has given permission for the use of school buildings for lantern lectures to parents and teachers on the subject of sex hygiene ...
Article : 50 wordsMr. W M. Marks, M.P., will deliver a lecture at the Royal Empire Society, Bligh-street, on Tuesday evening next on "The World's Film Industry." The lecture will be illustrated by ...
Article : 53 wordsTo-morrow, being the birthday of King Alphonso of Spain, the national flag will be [?]own at the Spanish Cousulate, Martinplace. ...
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Thu 16 May 1929, Page 12
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