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  2. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 156 words
  3. City Council.

    The regular weekly meeting of the finance committee of the City Council was held on Thursday afternoon. Present: The Mayor, and Alder men Beare, Kippar. Dean, Hardie, Meeks, ...

    Article : 723 words
  4. Stevenson v. J. Kemp.

    Two—comparatively speaking—novices in the professional rowing world make their first essay for aquatic honors this afternoon over the champion course, Parramatta River. The stakes ...

    Article : 290 words
  5. Supreme Court.

    MORRIS v. NATIONAL BANK.—Their Honors reserved judgment. HARRIS v. BOWMAN.—This was an application to make absolute a rule nisi for a new trial. The action was originally brought to recover a sum of ...

    Article : 290 words

    Severin Suzerain was fined 20s or seven days for cruelly illtreating a horse. SMALL DEBTS. Captain Fisher returned verdicts for plaintiffs, ...

    Article : 98 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 103 words
  8. No title

    BATHURST, Wednesday.—The concert last night in the School of Arts Hall, with the object of covering the losses sustained by the Western footballers in their recent trip to Sydney, and on the visit of the ...

    Article : 62 words
  9. Agriculture and Mining.

    On Thursday afternoon the Premier received a very large deputation emanating from the freetrade conference, to urge upon him the necessity for the establishment of a Department of ...

    Article : 458 words
  10. CYCLING.

    THE CHAMPIONSHIPS.—The unfavorable change of weather which set in this morning considerably damped the spirits of all concerned in to-morrow's important meeting. The intercolonial and country ...

    Article : 129 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 113 words
  12. Sporting.

    MOOREFIELD Races.—Should the weather remain fine, the race meeting, to be held at Moorefield to-morrow, will no doubt be well attended. There will be the usual special and ordinary trains run. The ...

    Article : 1,413 words
  13. CRICKET.

    NARRABRI, Wednesday.—The annual meeting of Narrabri Cricket Club took place at their club-room, at Victoria Hotel, on Wednesday. After the usual business was got over, they then adjourned to the ...

    Article : 183 words
  14. District Court.

    BARLOW AND OTHERS v. THOMPSON.—In this action the plaintiffs, John Barlow and Co., of George-street, claimed £13 17s 5d for groceries, &c., sold and delivered to John Thompson. A ...

    Article : 444 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 101 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 78 words

    WENTWORTH HANDICAP.—The name of A. Wall, 43 yards, was omitted from the list of starts for the Wentworth Handicap. SIXTH TEMPE HANDICAP.—The starts for ...

    Article : 55 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 105 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 311 words
  20. LA CROSSE.

    QUEENSLAND v. IROQUOIS AND PADDINGTON.—This match was played on Moore Part on Thursday afternoon, and another good game was seen. The combined locals had the better of the game ...

    Article : 116 words
  21. News from Samoa.

    The steamer Lubeck, which arrived on Wednesday, brings a file of the Samoa Times to August 17, which contains a graphic account of the arrival of the deposed King Malietoa. He ...

    Article : 687 words
  22. Trades and Labor Council.

    A meeting of the above council (which will henceforth meet weekly) was held last night, when the full committee finally disposed of the rules laid down for future guidance. The ...

    Article : 80 words
  23. The New Hebrides.

    In the Assembly last night, Mr. Abigail drew the attention of the Colonial Secretary to a statement to the effect that the French Government had been requested by the Governor of New ...

    Article : 397 words
  24. No. 2.

    WEBB AND OTHERS v. CAMPBELL AND ANOTHER.—This action, which was part heard yesterday, was resumed to-day. It was one in which the plaintiffs, J. Webb, Butcher, and party, ...

    Article : 153 words
  25. Trade Affairs.

    PRESENTATION.—Mr. W. E. Wise, ironfounder, &c., of Newtown-road, and Phillip-street, Glebe, had a rather pleasant surprise last Saturday. A number of his employes waited upon him at his ...

    Article : 370 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 420 words
  27. Licensing Court.

    The usual weekly meeting of the above court was held at Water-Police Court yesterday, Captain Fisher S.M., presiding. Following business was transacted: ...

    Article : 100 words
  28. Yesterday's Police Courts.

    Henry Lawson, 26, a vanman, was remanded until Tuesday on a charge of stealing three £1 notes from the person of Thomas Treloar. Kate Brown, for being an idle and disorderly ...

    Article : 94 words
  29. Miss Von Finkelstein.

    This lady delivered her second lecture in T.M.C.A. Hall last night. The subject was "The Bedouins of the Desert, or Bush Life in Palestine." The illustrations of the chief events ...

    Article : 123 words
  30. WATER.

    Agnes Amber, a vagrant, was sent to gaol for three months. Margaret Ferguson, another of the same class, received a similar term with hard labor. ...

    Article : 155 words
  31. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 123 words



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