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  2. A Clever Trick.

    At the St. Leonards P.O. on Tuesday a man named John Larkin was set down to appear for wife desertion, but much to the chagrin of the police his wife refused to prose[?]nte. ...

    Article : 144 words
  3. City Council.

    The regular monthly meeting of the City Council was held in the Town Hall yesterday at 11 o'clock. Present: The Mayor, and Aldermen Chapman, Meeks, J. D.' Young, Playfair, M. ...

    Article : 2,661 words
  4. Yesterday's Supreme Court.

    In this matter, the caveat was ordered to be removed. The particulars were very uninteresting to the general public. MARKHAM v.ABBOTT.—This was a matter which ...

    Article : 858 words
  5. Naval and Military.

    THE NAVEL FORCES.—On Saturday afternoon the naval forces, under Captain Hixson, R.N., commandant, were out for their third half-day drill. The Wolverene, in charge of Commander ...

    Article : 1,092 words
  6. The Whaling-road Case.

    At the St. Leonards Police Court on Tuesdays Mr. J. M. Marsh, S.M., delivered his verdict in the above well-known ease of forcible entry. The Court was crowded with people, and the greatest ...

    Article : 638 words
  7. Licensing Court.

    The regular weekly meeting of the Licensing Court was held in the Central Police Court yesterday. Mr. O'Malley Clarke, S.M., Mr. Whitingale Johnson, S.M., and Mr. Macintosh, L.M., ...

    Article : 320 words
  8. Yesterday's Police Courts.

    Elizabeth Newland, 26, married, and Nellie Hill, 22, married, rioted in company. Both defendants were fined in the sum of 10s. John Davis, for dirty talk in Castlereagh-street, ...

    Article : 309 words
  9. School Fees.

    At the St. Leonards P.C. on Tuesday two elderly men named William Hellier and James Montagu were summoned by William Deane, inspector of schools, for the sum of £1 13s and ...

    Article : 828 words
  10. IN EQUITY.

    In re James Chisholm: In the matter of the will of the late James Chisholm, the Court appointed the Permanent Trustee Company trustees of a fund of £20,000, the former trustees ...

    Article : 216 words
  11. WATER.

    George Todd was fined £2 or one month for using obscene language, and for assaulting Senior-constable Spence sentenced to one month's imprisonment with hard labor, the sentences to ...

    Article : 389 words
  12. No title

    R.A.O.B.—A well-attended meeting of the Sydney Lodge (S.B.) was held on Sunday night in the South Sydney Clnb, George-street. The following officers were elected for the ensuing ...

    Article : 446 words
  13. Quarter Sessions.

    The following is a list of the charges set down for hearing at the Quarter Sessions to be held to morrow:—Richard Berran and Edward Hall, larceny; Joseph Sprowle, attempting to commit ...

    Article : 259 words
  14. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 213 words
  15. BEDFRRN.

    Edward Rogers, 50, a stonemason, was fined 10s for having offended against decency in a public thoroughfare. John Lincoln, 27, a laborer, charged with ...

    Article : 220 words
  16. Yesterday's District Court.

    CHAMBERS AND ANOTHER v. LARKIN.—The plaintiffs, William Chambers and another, contractors, of Redfern, sued N. Larkin, the defendant, to recover the sum of £20 1s, alleged to be ...

    Article : 335 words
  17. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 74 words



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