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  2. Commercial.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 868 words
  3. Our weather Glass.

    {No abstract available} [ILLUSTRATED]

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 8 words
  4. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 10 words
  5. The Mails.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 110 words
  6. The Ironmoulders' Strike.

    MELBOURNE, Friday.—The ironmounlders strike continue, bat the ironmasters are giving way, and another firm has left their ranks and acceded to the men's demands. ...

    Article : 36 words
  7. News by Telegraph.

    GOULBURNE, Saturday.—A meeting of persons favourable to the granting of Home Rule to Ireland was held on Friday night. There ware about three hundred present. The Major ...

    Article : 180 words
  8. To-day's Cablegrams.

    LONDON, August 10.—The Australians cobtiaued their innings this morning, and scored 143 in all. Gloucestershire team commenced their second ...

    Article : 46 words
  9. A Queensland Romance.

    Mr. W. C. Hawkins, the father of a young may who lately committed suicide at the Coudemine Hotel, and also or another son who was found shot dead on the Teiry boo Station a year or so age, ...

    Article : 776 words
  10. The Threatened Strike.

    The outlook in Newcastle and the Hunter River sealfields is more than serious s. It it almost desperate. All present, appearances point to the imminence of a strike such as in ...

    Article : 1,033 words
  11. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 746 words
  12. Naval Manoeuvres.

    LONDON,August 10.—In connection with the capture of the squadron which attacked Liverpool, Bear Admiral Tryon, who commanded the squadron claims that in reality victory rests ...

    Article : 38 words
  13. Shipping.

    Bhundarra (s) 2899 tons, Captain G. Jacobs, from Calcut's June 28, via ports. Tenterden (s), 1500 tons, Captain G.E. Saunders, from Fill and Noumes. ...

    Article : 36 words
  14. The Imperial Defences.

    LONDON, August 10.—The hill to provide for imperial the Imperial Defences efficient has been read a second time in the House of Commons. ...

    Article : 28 words
  15. DEPARTURES.—August 10.

    Balaton (sh), 815 tons. Captain Hanson, for Banjoewangle Fitzroy (s), 870 tons, Captain Meaburn, for Brisbane.Katoomba (s), 1605 tons, Captain J. E. Butcher, for Melbourne. ...

    Article : 43 words
  16. Dubbo Quarter Sessions.

    DUBBO, Friday.—The Dabbo Quarter Sessions concluded to-day. John Mackenzie, who was charged with horse-stealing, was found guilty on the second count of receiving, knowing ...

    Article : 99 words
  17. The Local Government Bill.

    LONDON, August 10.—The Local Government Bill, after slight amendment, has been read a third time, and passed by the House of Lords. ...

    Article : 27 words
  18. Maritime Miscellany.

    TIDES.—High water, Sydney Cove, this day, 10.38 a.m. 10.56 p.m. PROJECTED DEPARTURES.—The projected departures this day are the Elingamite at noon and Victorian at 1 p.m., for ...

    Article : 1,699 words
  19. Obituary.

    LONDON, August 10.—The death is announced of Sir William Westbrooke Burton. The late Sir W. Westbrooke Burton, who was born in 1794, served in the Navy for served years. He was wounded ...

    Article : 135 words
  20. Victoria.

    MELBOURNE, Friday.—A scaffolding in frost of a two storey building in Russell-street, collapsed this morning. Several persons had narrow escapes, as well as the workmen on it. ...

    Article : 32 words
  21. The Braidwood Silver Discovery

    A few days ago particulars were given in the EVENING NEWS of the facts reported to the Mines Department respecting the discovery of great deposits of silver ore at Mount Lunestone in the ...

    Article : 180 words
  22. The Fire at Hogan Island.

    MELBOURNE, Friday.—The Government steamer Lady Loch arrived at Hogan's Island this morning, and reports that the fire seen from Wilson's Promontory was caused by the sealers of the ...

    Article : 47 words
  23. Theft of a Scarf Pin.

    MELBOURNE, Friday.—William Davidson, who was arrested by Detectives West and Greaves, of Sydney, on the 4th instant, on a charge of stealing a pin, the property of Mr. Foley, in ...

    Article : 66 words
  24. A Cabinet Meeting.

    MELBOURNE, Friday.—The Cabinet held a lengthy sitting to-day. Preparations were made for the resumption of the work in Parliament of Tuesday next. ...

    Article : 27 words
  25. A Representative of Labor.

    MELBOURNE, Saturday.—At a meeting of trades unions representatives held at Ballarat last sight, it was urged that the trades should combine to send to Parliament at next election ...

    Article : 40 words
  26. A Narrow Escape.

    MELBOURNE, Friday.—The door of a carriage a the Canlfield line was left open this morning, and a little boy, aged 5 years, fell out on the track. The train was palled up, and it was found ...

    Article : 71 words
  27. Queensland.

    BRISBANE, Friday.—The annual report of the South Pacific Island Immigration Department, just prepared, shows that kanaka hospitals at Mary borough, Mackay, and Ingham are ...

    Article : 61 words
  28. Monday's Auctions.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 69 words
  29. Found Dead.

    The City Coroner Mr. H. Shiell. J.P.) held an inquest at Thompson's Ultimo Hotel, Engine, street, this morning, respecting the death of a woman named Winifred Amelia Moylan, ...

    Article : 860 words
  30. Accidentally Hilled.

    BRISBANE, Friday.—Mr. H. A. Bonney, proprietor of a firewood depot, was riding a restive horse at Mount Brisbane on Thursday night. The animal cashed him against a tree, and he was killed. ...

    Article : 37 words
  31. Called Upon to Resign.

    BRISBANE, Friday.—According to the recommendations of the Civil Service Commission, the Minister for Education has called upon Mr. Frank Taylor, headclerk of the orphanages ...

    Article : 44 words
  32. Family Notices

    {No abstract available}

    Family Notices : 823 words
  33. The Bricklayers' Strike.

    MELBOURNE, Saturday.—The bricklayers at Ballarat, seventy strong, went one on strike on Friday, owing to the contractors refusing to increase the r wages, The contractors have ...

    Article : 37 words
  34. The Civil Service Commission.

    Mr. M'Millaa and Mr. James Watson having resigned from the Royal Commission appointed to inquire into the Civil Service, the Government has selected Mr. S. A. ...

    Article : 244 words
  35. The Melbourne Exhibition.

    MELBOURNE, Saturday.—A second ball was given at Government House on Friday evening by the Governor and Lady Loch, in celebration of the opening of the Exhibition. A large ...

    Article : 79 words
  36. Burnt to Death.

    MELBOURNE, Saturday.—The inquest which was to have been held on the body of the artilleryman, Alfred Langlands, who was burnt to death in a house in Jallet-terrace, has been ...

    Article : 51 words
  37. Technical Education.

    A meeting of the Board of Technical Education was held at the offices, 129, Phillip street, on Wednesday, 8th instant. The following members were present: Dr. Belgrade (clairman), Mr. E. ...

    Article : 241 words
  38. Alleged Defaulting Bank Manager.

    About the end of July last Julian E. Jeffreys, manager of the Nyngan branch of the Commercial Banking Company of Sydney, left Nyngan ostensibly for a short holiday. He ...

    Article : 143 words
  39. A Solicitor in Trouble.

    During the absence of Mr. Alfred De Lisss, solicitor, Pitt-street, in England recently, be left in charge of his office a clerk named Arthur Samuel Bright, who is an English solicitor. He ...

    Article : 98 words
  40. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 90 words
  41. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 78 words
  42. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 15 words



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