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    At the Redfern Police Court to-day, before Mr. C. Delohery, S.M., James Thomas Forester was proceeded against by William Richard Eury, an inspector under the Children's ...

    Article : 302 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 425 words

    The marriage of the Hon. Margaret Brand, eldest daughter of the Excellency his Governor and Lady Hampden, with Captain Algernon Ferguson, A.D.C., 2nd Life Guards, of Polebrook Hall, Oundle, near ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 2,790 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 642 words
  6. Central Police Court.

    William Walker, 42, was sentenced to two, months for attempting to steal from the person of a woman unknown. He was arrested by Detectives Brown and Donovan in the crush in ...

    Article : 171 words
  7. Crushed by a Boiler.

    The City Coroner (Mr. J. C. Woore, J.P.) held an inquest at St. Vincent's Hospital this morning into the circumstances attending the death of Peter Kilduff, which resulted yesterday morning ...

    Article : 527 words
  8. Glebe Police Court.

    Mr. G. W. F. Addison, S.M., presided. Donald M'Donald, 31, for having stolen a quantity of carpenter's tools, of the value of 12s 6d, the property of David Rome, at Leichhardt, on ...

    Article : 82 words
  9. Balmain Police Court.

    Mr. Smithers, S.M., presided. Bertie Holden, 13, was charged with stealing some candles and jam, value 2s 3d, the property of Edward Harris. He elected to be dealt with ...

    Article : 63 words
  10. Sports at Lyndhurst.

    Writes our Lyndhurst correspondent: The Catholics held their annual sports on the racecourse on Monday, when a large number of people put in an appearance. Foot-racing, horse-racing and ...

    Article : 128 words
  11. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 363 words
  12. Deputations.

    Mr. See, M.L.A., introduced a deputation to Mr. Sydney Smith, acting-Minister for Lands, to-day, consisting of Aldermen See, Doust, and Francis, representing the Municipal Council of Grafton. It ...

    Article : 153 words
  13. The Butter Market.

    Those city firms who continue to quote 9d per lb as the wholesale rate for finest creamery anticipate that ample supplies will be forward in time for to-morrow morning's marker to meet ...

    Article : 140 words

    A deputation representing the millowners and teamsters of the Gloucester and Manning districts was introduced to the Minister for Mines to-day by Mr. R. A. Price, M.L.A., 10 ask for a reduction in ...

    Article : 335 words
  15. Picton Pars.

    Writes our Picton correspondent: The seventh grand concert of the local Philharmonic Society was given in the Protestant Hall on Easter Monday night. Mr H. A. Jaques,, of North Sydney ...

    Article : 299 words
  16. The Weather.

    This morning broke fine and very cold in Sydney, the temperature in the early morning being 50-8 deg; but the thermometer gradually rose till it reached 52deg at 10 o'clock. The sky then became cloudy and ...

    Article : 408 words
  17. Bowls.

    The following inter-club matches have been arranged for Saturday:—Waverley v. City, at Waverley; St. Leonards v. Randwick, at St. Leonarcs: Glebe v. Annandale, at Glebe; Balmaia v. ...

    Article : 173 words
  18. Late Shipping.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 41 words
  19. DEPARTURES—April 22.

    The Newcastle, Alice. Balmain, Western. Wolumbin, Fanny Fisher, Countess of Errol from Sydney arrived at Newcastle to-day. River Nith arrived torn fremantle; G. M. Tucker from Melbourne. The Southern ...

    Article : 105 words



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