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    An unusual case came before the Summons division of the Central Police Court to-day when Nathan Rumelsen, a dealer, Abercrombie-street, proceeded against his wife, Fanny Aunetta ...

    Article : 158 words

    "STRANGE ADVENTURES OF MISS BROWN." The Criterion Theatre was crowded to the doors on Saturday evening, when Mr. Frank Thornton reappeared with his new English Comedy Company in ...

    Article : 727 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 3,318 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 608 words
  6. COOGEE.

    The usual Sunday afternoon concert was given at Coogee Aquarium under the direction of Mr. Larmour. There was a large attendance. Mr. Martyn Hagan and Miss Lucy Eraser contributed an amusing ...

    Article : 65 words

    The Art Union in connection with the Society of Artists was drawn on Saturday. During the afternoon the tickets were sorted out by the manager and his staff in the presence of the president (Mr. Julian ...

    Article : 198 words
  8. Central Licensing Court.

    The weekly sitting of the Central Licensing Court was held to-day. The bench was occupied by Messrs. Johnson (chairman) and Smithers, S.Ms., and Mr. Penny, L.M. The following ...

    Article : 95 words

    Mr. Rickards provided an attractive programme for Tivoli patrons on Saturday. Both the matinee and evening performances were largely attended. Despite the friendly rivalry of the Palace, the older ...

    Article : 214 words
  10. Parramatta Quarter Sessions.

    The Parramatta Quarter Sessions opened this morning before Judge Backhouse. Following is the calendar: Cornelius M'Donald, cattle-stealing (three charges); Chas. Barkon, larceny; Arthur ...

    Article : 189 words
  11. Noted Gaol Breakers.

    MOREE, Monday.—The prisoners Tabalo and Smith, who escaped from the local gaol last October, arrived on Saturday by train, escorted by three policemen, and were placed in an omnibus, with a ...

    Article : 118 words
  12. Mr. S. E. Lees, M.L.C.

    Mr. S. E. Lees, M.L.C., ex-Mayor of Sydney, has returned home, after a nine months' trip to England and the European Continent. He is looking remarkably well; and speaks enthusiastically ...

    Article : 1,062 words
  13. Chinese New Year.

    Dr. On Lee, of Wynyard Square, gave a children's party on Saturday evening in connection with the Chinese New Year celebration. About forty juveniles were present, and all seemed to ...

    Article : 101 words

    After a successful run "Cheer Boys, Cheer," was withdrawn on Friday night and Mr. George Rignold entered upon the last twelve nights of his season at the Theatre Royal on Saturday by producing "Lights ...

    Article : 441 words
  15. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 649 words
  16. Big Fire at Forbes.

    FORBES, Monday.—A very destructive fire occurred in Forbes early this morning. The alarm was given about 3 a.m., when a fire was seen to be burning at the rear of Hutchinson ...

    Article : 458 words
  17. Mountain Murders.

    MELBOURNE, Monday.—The investigations of the Victorian detectives show that Butler was only in Melbourne a day after his last sojourn in West Australia. A few days back the ...

    Article : 158 words

    There was a large and appreciative audience attracted to "The Silver King" at Her Majesty's Theatre on Saturday night. Judging from appearances the piece, which has now entered on its second ...

    Article : 55 words
  19. Canterbury Park Weights.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 472 words

    The Palace Theatre was filled on Saturday night, and the programme presented was one of the best. In the first stage of the performance the substitution of individual "turns" for the time-honored ...

    Article : 301 words
  21. Suicide in Redfern.

    At about 12.15 to-day an engineer named Carl Moiller, about 50 years of age, shot himself with a revolver, at his residence in Railway-place, near the Redfern Railway Station. Sergeant Jeffs ...

    Article : 117 words

    The programme which is being prepared for Mr. Henry Lee's benefit, which takes place on Thursday afternoon next, is sure to draw a bumper house. Nearly every artist, at present in Sydney ...

    Article : 165 words
  23. A Child Drowned.

    A child, aged 3, named John W. Brown, was found drowned last evening in a pit rat the Bunnerong Wool washing. Works, Botany. Deceased, who resided with his parents close by, was ...

    Article : 84 words
  24. No title

    A telegram from Thursday Island says: At Horn Island on Saturday night Mr. Charles Cockburn, manager of the quartz battery, was shot by a man named Thomas Harris, whom he had ...

    Article : 84 words

    There was a constant stream of visitors on Saturday to the Cyclorama, opposite Redfern Railway Station. Recently ingenious mechanical and electrical effects have been introduced, which greatly ...

    Article : 42 words



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