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  2. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 16 words
  3. The Old Folk at Home.

    NOTE.—A copy of the Hon. Edward Blake's great speech in the House of Commons on the "Over Taxation of Ireland," with introduction, index and tables, will be forwarded be every new subscriber to the "Catholic Press."—ED,] ...

    Article : 354 words
  4. The Over-Taxation Up To Date.

    The accounts of the Irish and British revenue and expenditure for the financial year ending March 31, 1899, have been published at a somewhat later date than ...

    Article : 627 words
  5. More Girls and Lads Leaving the Old Sod.

    The Irish quarterly population returns for the June to September quarter are not pleasant reading. Things are not going as well in Ireland as they were recently if ...

    Article : 504 words
  6. That Grateful Irish Widow.

    The Widow O'Keeffe got £10 from the Queen in consideration of the fact, that she has seven sons in the army, The widow is ful of gratitude, and Indignant with the ...

    Article : 331 words
  7. The Arts and Crafts of Ireland.

    The details given of the second exhibition of the Arts and Crafts Society of Ireland we not cheerful reading. Four years have passed since the last exhibition was held ...

    Article : 201 words
  8. Selling Killarney.

    Millinaries were very shy recently when Killarney was put up for auction in the Ancient Concert Rooms. There was no evidence of a rush on the part of grain or ...

    Article : 228 words
  9. Irish Soldiers and the Shamrock.

    Everybody known how Irish soldiers and in the service of England are treated when they venture to display the shamrock on St. Patrick's Day. Your after year the ...

    Article : 457 words
  10. The Green Flag of Erin.

    The sheriffs of Ireland are, as confessed by the sheri[?]of Lo[?]rim, under orders not to allow the green flag to be hoisted over the courthouse[?], "Personally," said Mr. ...

    Article : 430 words



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