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  2. Local and General.

    For Bronchial coughs take woods' Great pepperment cure. A cheap excursion train will run from this district to sydney on Monday next. ...

    Article : 361 words
  3. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 757 words
  4. Mittagong Municipal Council.

    The ordinary fortnightly meeting of the above was held on wednesday evening there being present Alderman Drabble(mayor), king, Boswell, Hedger, A M Smith ...

    Article : 765 words
  5. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 207 words
  6. Obituary

    Mr Richard Aldous Arnold, formerly clerk of the Legislative Assembly, died at his home "Lynthorpe." Bowal, on Wednesday of last week at the age of 75. He was born at ...

    Article : 258 words
  7. Mittagong Eisteddfod

    A meeting of the organising committee of the above was held on Tuesday evening, there being present-Messrs A Tikle (chairman), W Terry, A E Boswell. A shimmeis, J E ...

    Article : 257 words
  8. B.D.A.H. and I. Society.

    The annual meeting of the above was held at Macks's Theatre Royal, Moss Vale, on Friday night last, when there was a large at­tendance of members Mr F H Throsby ...

    Article : 185 words
  9. Empire Day at Robertson

    Despite the cold wind blowing on the 24th and the mumps epidrule there was a very fair muster at the school of arts when a programme of songs and recitations was given ...

    Article : 290 words
  10. Mittagong.

    The mayor is calling a meeting of the committee organising the [?]caum[?]al to Mrs Troy. so that something definite may be done in the matter. collectors are asked to get ...

    Article : 256 words

    The annual smoke social was well attended, the newly elected president taking charge of the proceedings. The catering was attended to in Mr Bale's good style, and everything ...

    Article : 1,231 words
  12. Lawn Tennis.

    Bowral Excelsior (6 sets 51 games) defeated Mittagong Australia (4 sets 83 games) on the former'a court last Saturday. The winners were represented by Mrs and Miss Huthnance ...

    Article : 52 words
  13. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 263 words
  14. Hospital Saturday.

    In response to the advertisement convening a meeting for Tuesday nigh last to arrange matters in connection with Hospital saturday, the mayor presided over a fair ...

    Article : 179 words
  15. A Splendid Lotion For the Complexion.

    Many smart women are now dispensing entirely with rouge, face creams and powders. as they find that a simple lotion prepared from 2ozs rose water, 2ozs ...

    Article : 181 words

    We wish to notify our country clients that we have established a special country repair Department, which enables us in most cares to repair and return glasses the day we ...

    Article : 83 words
  17. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 9 words
  18. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 14 words



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