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  2. Shipping.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 687 words
  3. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 289 words

    LONDON, December 24.—The secession of Mr. William Shaw, member for Cork, from the Home Rule section, has reduced that party to a condition of ...

    Article : 37 words
  5. Christmas Eve.

    THE main streets of Sydney on Saturday night presented a most animated appearance—George-street, from the Coffee Palace near the Quay to the Railway Station, being a vast moving mass of humanity. The ...

    Article : 649 words
  6. The Intecolonial Cricket Match.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 31 words
  7. A.J.C. Summer Race Meeting.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 100 words
  8. Boxing Day.

    CHRISTMAS has come and gone, and its influences for good and ill have all been exercised. It only remains to be hoped that those potent for ill in the direction of headaches, biliousness, and all other ...

    Article : 580 words
  9. Gambetta Unpopular.

    LONDON, December 24.—M. Gambetta has become very unpopular through having, after the recent verdict in the libel action against M. Roshefort, sanctioned ...

    Article : 24 words
  10. A Female Leaguer Imprisoned.

    LONDON, December 24.—A member of the ladies branch of the Irish Land League has been sentenced to a months; imprisonment for inciting tenants to refuse ...

    Article : 40 words
  11. Pyrmont Regatta.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 390 words
  12. The "United Ireland" Newspaper.

    LONDON, December 24.—The "United Ireland" newspaper, which was recently suppressed in Dublin, has been printed in London, and sent for publication to ...

    Article : 40 words
  13. The Hayti Revolution.

    LONDON, December 25.—The revolution in Hayti has been suppressed. One hundred and fifty of the insurgents were killed. ...

    Article : 23 words
  14. Dense Fogs in England.

    LONDON, December 25.—Dense fogs prevail in many parts of England, and several serious accidents have occurred in consequence. ...

    Article : 22 words

    Both Houses of Parliament met at noon on Saturday, and other some formed business was transacted the Governor arrived. After assenting to certain measures passed during the ...

    Article : 193 words

    London is befogged. Tattoo is scratched for all engagements. Serious coach accident near Albury on Saturday. 902 people were at the Museum on Sunday ...

    Article : 670 words

    A very fine rendition of Handel's Messiah was gives on Saturday after soon in the Garden Palace by the members of the Sydney Musical Union, aided by Madame Gabriella Boema, soprano, Miss ...

    Article : 513 words
  18. Large Fire at Forbes.

    On Saturday night a disastrous fire originated in the premises of Jacob and Co., in Ranken-street, owing to a kerosene lamp bursting while it was being extinguished. This ...

    Article : 246 words
  19. Along the Wharves.

    The Alexandra steamer, from Brisbane to Sydney, had her machinery completely thrown out of hear through a breakage of one of the side valves, and when off Port Stephen yesterday morning was met by the Wotonga, ...

    Article : 304 words
  20. Newcastle Items.

    The steamer Morpeth arrived two hours late on Sunday morning, owing to the shortness of coal. She was obliged to burn all the spare timber on board, and reached here at half-past 7, with a ...

    Article : 68 words
  21. Notes on Current Events.

    The romantic adventures of Mr. O'Donovan, the famous correspondent of the "Daily News," have apparently had a somewhat strange sequel since his return form Asia. The circumstances of his ...

    Article : 499 words
  22. News from Bathurst.

    A prisoner names Eli Baker, under a short sentence for vagrancy, dropped down dead in gaol on Tuesday morning. An inquest was held, when a verdict of death from natural causes was ...

    Article : 275 words
  23. Amusements.

    QUEEN'S THEATRE.—Owing to an accident to one of the principal performers. "Bluebeard" could not be produced on Saturday, but we understand it will be put on without fail this evening. ...

    Article : 455 words
  24. Christmas Day Religious Services.

    YESTERDAY the three services at St. Andrew's Cathedral were well attended. In the morning the Key. Dr. Ellis preached from the 9th chapter of Isiah, verse 6, The anthem "And the Glory of the ...

    Article : 731 words
  25. Small-pox.

    [?] ...

    Article : 61 words
  26. Family Notices

    {No abstract available}

    Family Notices : 1 words
  27. The Druids' Gala.

    [?] ...

    Article : 37 words
  28. White Spirit Found.

    Sub-inspector Creaghe, with a posse of police, made a raid on some premises belonging to a man at Harwood Island for the purpose of searching for the purpose of searching for an illicit still which was suspected to be in his ...

    Article : 142 words
  29. Murder in Galway.

    Dublin, November 4, 1831.—The victim of the horrible agragrian ontrage reperted from Cerigan, county Galway, was a respectable young man named Peter Doherty. It appears that [?] ...

    Article : 285 words
  30. The Hospital.

    The following is a set of the countries admitted [?] the tropical on Saturday and yesterday:—The Eyes, aged [?] ...

    Article : 155 words
  31. Australian Federation.

    THE question of a [?] of the Australian [?] would upon to have [?] set of the [?] of practical polities. Car statements have[?] ...

    Article : 679 words
  32. Narrow Escape.

    A sensational and a narrow escape from certain destruction was experienced by Mr. R. Lynch, his brother, Mr. H. Lynch, members of the Bellriagers Club, and a friend, on Saturday afternoon. They ...

    Article : 212 words
  33. Cootamundra Items.

    The holidays are passing off very quietly. A great many people have left town. The weather has been intensely hot, over 100 degrees in the shade. Vegetation is very much parched. ...

    Article : 29 words
  34. Serious Coach Accident.

    A serious coach accident occurred on Saturday to the coach from Germanton to Albury. The broke gave way coming down a gap near Dixon's Swamp, and the driver was thrown off ...

    Article : 101 words
  35. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 14 words



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