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  2. Kenny Hill Water Supply Scheme.

    A MEETING of the committee of citizens appointed to inquire into the merits of the rival water schemes was held in the council chamber at the Town Hall yesterday afternoon, his Worship the Mayor of Sydney ...

    Article : 2,363 words
  3. Sporting.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 128 words
  4. The Stranding of the Collaroy.

    An inquiry was held yesterday afternoon before the Marine Board into the stranding of the steamer Collaroy, on her voyage from Newcastle to Sydney. There were present, Captains Hixson (president), ...

    Article : 851 words
  5. The Late Thomas Carlyle.

    THOMAS Carlyle has passed away at the patriarchal age of 85. One of the longest, and in many respects one of the most remarkable careers recorded in the literary history of England. We ...

    Article : 1,902 words

    Last night meeting of the New South Wales Cricket Association committee was held in the long room at "Tattersall's Hotel. Mr. Teece having been voted to the Chair, the secretary read ...

    Article : 172 words
  7. Lecture by Judge Hargrave.

    His Honor Mr. Justice Hargrave delivered a lecture in the School of Arts. Clifton, on Friday evening last (Bays the ILLAWARRA MERCURY), to a large and attentive audience, Mr. C. Harper presiding. ...

    Article : 81 words

    The coming Intercolonial Handball Match which is now creating some interest amongst lovers of the snort, promises to be a most interesting game this time. The Melbourne Age says respecting their team.—The committee ...

    Article : 230 words
  9. The Public Parks Act.

    A case of considerable importance to those who are in the habit of using oar public parks, and others, was initiated at the Central Police Court last Tuesday, and concluded before Messrs. G. E. Maclean and ...

    Article : 893 words
  10. Amusements.

    THOMPSON'S DIORAMA.—Mr. W. H. Thompson's Diorama of the Zola War was reopened last night at tho School of Arts, after having been exhibited in parts of this colony and Queensland for the past four ...

    Article : 282 words
  11. To the Editor.

    SIR,—If a compound of unblushing sycophancy and proclaimed partiality is considered, by the editor of the SYDNEY MORNING HERALD as the moat lofty ideal of journalism ; then, in his sub-leader of ...

    Article : 761 words
  12. The Incoming Suez Mail.

    The P. and O. Co.'s R.M.S. Peshawar, from Galle to Sydney, reacted Melbourne yesterday, and the light portion of her mails will arrive overland and be delivered here at 9 o'clock to-morrow (Wednesday), ...

    Article : 44 words
  13. Municipal Elections.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 614 words
  14. Protestant Hall Company.

    The tenth half-yearly meeting of the shareholders of the N.S.W. Protestant Hall Company was held at their hall in Castlereagh-street, last evening. Mr. S. E. Lees presided. The minutes of the ...

    Article : 266 words
  15. Hydraulic Hoists.

    But few of the general public except those taring business at the new Government office, in Bridge-street, are aware that it contains one of tie finest and most modern elevators in the world. Owing to the ...

    Article : 664 words
  16. Post-office Notices.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 168 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 105 words
  18. The Weather.

    The weather continues of the same kind as that introduced on Friday last, and gentle and almost continuous showers are falling. It is eminently satisfactory to farmers and grazeiers, being what is known ...

    Article : 65 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 93 words
  20. Sadden Death on a Steamer.

    Information has been given the the City Coroner, that Mrs. Burton, the wife of James Buxton, had died very suddenly on board, the steamship Coraki, in Port Stephens harbour, where the steamer had put in ...

    Article : 84 words
  21. School of Arts Debating Club.

    The usual weekly meeting of the members of the School of Arts Debuting Club was held last night in the College Hall of the Institution, Mr. W. F. Martin, M.L.A., in the chair. After the admission ...

    Article : 183 words
  22. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 1,310 words
  23. Presentation to Mr. C.W. Russell.

    On Wednesday evening last, 26th instant (the BURROWA NEWS reports) a few of the friends of Mr. C. W. RUssell presented that with a valuable gold are appendages, as a mark of ...

    Article : 90 words



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