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    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 83 words

    Sir,—I bee to call attention to the fact that when our husbands, in sacrificing all that na dear to them to respond to the call of Government for soldiers for the Soudan, were promised that those left behind ...

    Article : 174 words
  4. Mining News.

    ADELAIDE, Thursday.—The exports of silver are from Silverton for the nine months ended April amounted value to £93,000. ...

    Article : 23 words

    The Sheksspeare Society gave a reading a Government House on Tuesday evening. There were about two hundred guests present. The "Merchant of Venice" was the play chosen, and ...

    Article : 220 words

    ADELAIDE, Thursday.—The proprietors of the Moonta Mines are quietly reducing the number of hands employed at the mines, so as to economise expenditure, and enable them to carry on operations. ...

    Article : 35 words

    ADELONG, Thursday.—The usual monthly escort left to-day with 409oz 15dwt. Of this the Commercial Bank sent 870oz 6dwt; the Bank of New South Wales 39oz. 9dwt. The greater part of the ...

    Article : 48 words
  8. Upper Manning Show.

    The first exhibition of the Upper Manning River Agricultural and Horticultural Association was held yesterday and to-day, on the show ground, about a mile out of Wingham. On each day upwards of two ...

    Article : 480 words
  9. Adelong-Tumberumba Railway.

    Much surprise and indignation are expressed by the residents of the district that a copy of Mr. Hobson's report of the flying survey of the railway line from Adelong to Tumberumba ...

    Article : 110 words

    MELBOURNE, Thursday.—An important discovery of coal is reported as having been made sixteen miles south of Colao by a selector in Beach Forest. The coal was found in the bed of a creek running into the ...

    Article : 49 words

    Sir,—It is high time that the Hon. J. P. Abbott was taken down a peg or two. Mr. Abbott is at is well known is the metropohs, a huge disappointment. Some persons believing in his self-assertion, which ...

    Article : 264 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 95 words

    MELBOURNE, Thursday.—David Pfeiffer, aged 50, a Welsh miner, while engaged stoping at the 1500 feet level in the Victoria New Chum United Mine, Sandhurst, was killed to-day, by a sudden fall of ...

    Article : 54 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 119 words
  15. Gallantry Recognised.

    The first of the performances in aid of the funds of the Benevolent Asylum will come off to-night. In the course of the evening Mr. Fletcher, M L A., will present to Mr. D. Dick a gold watch and ...

    Article : 120 words
  16. MEMS.

    The secretary of the Victory G.M. Co., Chatters Towers, Queensland, reports that the managing director telegraphed the amount of crushing as 455oz of gold from 305 tons of stone. ...

    Article : 176 words
  17. Writing a Begging Letter.

    Philip Francis Wilson was arrested at midnight, charged with having written a begging letter to Mrs. Sargood on the 11th inst., setting forth a pitiable tale of the illness of his wife ...

    Article : 160 words

    The Tradesmen's Aquatic Sports come off this afternoon. There is considerable interest in some of the events, most of the rowers being novices. There are fifteen entries for the concluding item of the day, a Ships' Gig Race, which ...

    Article : 55 words
  19. Wagga Volunteers.

    Captain Bailey, of the 1st Regiment of Infantry, arrived from Sydney yesterday for the purpose of witnessing the manner in which Color-Sergeant Howarth drilled the recruits of the ...

    Article : 124 words

    The Barrowa Jockey Club has just received from Mr. T. M. Slattery, the popular member, a valuable diamond bracelet, to be ran for here on the Queen's birthday. Such generosity on the part of Mr. Slattery, who has always been ...

    Article : 111 words

    Sir—Referring to the discussions under the above heading in this evening's issue of your paper, permit me to point out that in my opinion Forman has struck the right chord to nip the cause of the disease in the ...

    Article : 469 words
  22. Our Water Supply.

    A sample of water was brought to this office by Mr. Henry, chemist, from the Barlington Estate (on the same plateau as Scarborough Park), lying between what was formerly known as "Pat Moore's Swamp" ...

    Article : 157 words
  23. Alleged Wrongful Dismissal.

    The action Capper v. the Red Gross Preserving Co., in which the plaintiff sues for £3373 arrears of salary and commission en profits lost by wrongful dismissal, was continued in the Supreme ...

    Article : 76 words
  24. The Maitland Poisoners.

    At the Executive Council on Thursday, the cases of the women Keep and Barton, sentenced to death in Maitland for poisoning, were taken into careful consideration, and, all the circumstances having been ...

    Article : 61 words
  25. Newcastle Items.

    The man Faulkner, charged with having stabbed one Mulcahy in a drunken brawl, has been committed for trial. The schooner Grace Lynn, Which was sank on ...

    Article : 78 words
  26. Divorce Court.

    This was an application for alimony pendente lite by the wife. Mrs. Harriet Elizabeth Goodsell had filed her petition for judicial separation from her husba d. Mr. John Wesley Goodsell, and Mr. Ralston ...

    Article : 262 words
  27. A Court Laundated with Hot Water.

    A steam-heating pipe burst in Judge Holroyd's Court just as the case of Capper v. The Red Cross Co. was beginning to-day. Great confusion was caused in court, and a general stampede ensued. ...

    Article : 54 words
  28. Water Conservation.

    The Commissioners took evidence is the Brewarrina courthouse on Wednesday, when a great deal of important information was obtained, and a special report upon the subject of water conservation was ...

    Article : 87 words
  29. Accident to a Child.

    A child named Alfred Beatty, 5 years of age, was admitted into the Sydney Hospital on Wednesday evening, suffering from a compound fracture of the right leg below the knee. He received the injuries on ...

    Article : 89 words
  30. Accident to a Carrier.

    An accident of a painful nature occurred yesterday. A couple of young horses, which had been used to a light waggon, were being driven by Mr. Andrew M'Cully, carrier, with four others, in a ...

    Article : 81 words
  31. The Phylleyera Pest.

    At a weekly meeting of the Market Gardeners' and Salesmen's Association a long discussion took place upon the alleged appearance of phylloxera in New South Wales, and the possibility of its ...

    Article : 197 words
  32. Mayoral Reception.

    Mrs. Bailey and Miss Playfair held a reception at the Town Hall Thursday afternoon, at which there was a large, brilliant, and fashionable attendance. Visitors were received by Mrs. Bailey, Miss Playfair, and the ...

    Article : 581 words
  33. Suspected Murder.

    On Wednesday the body of a newly-born male infant was found in a waterhole at Annandale by a boy named H. C. Davis, of View-street, Annandale. Information was at once given to the police, who found ...

    Article : 164 words
  34. Co-operative Colliery Dispute.

    At the miners' delegate meeting yesterday, it was resolved to advertise the Westport strike in the Sydney EVENING NEWS. It was also resolved that a general ballot to see whether the Greta ...

    Article : 374 words

    Sir,—A meeting was held at the Londoners' Club on Monday evening, the objects of which were to form a union among the officers of the Mercantile Marine, who, being disatisfied with the present rates of ...

    Article : 625 words
  36. Sydney Quarter Sessions.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 165 words
  37. A Corroboree.

    The great annual corroboree of tribes living around, Lake Alexandrina will be held near Milang in a few days. Owing to the rapid decrease in the number of aboriginals, it is ...

    Article : 76 words
  38. Railway Station, Gundagai.

    The railway authorities having chosen a site for the station in Gundagai, which did not meet with the approbation of the residents because of its inconvenient position. pressure was successfully brought to ...

    Article : 90 words
  39. Delay in Paying Volunteers.

    Great dissatisfaction, exists at the hardship caused by the delay of the Government in paying volunteers for thier week's attendance during the recent encampments. There will be a large ...

    Article : 54 words
  40. Railway Bridge Over the Parramatta.

    According to advices received by the Engineer-in-Chief, the iron structure for three spans of the bridge over the Parramatta River on the Homebush to Waratah line were shipped from England in the latter part ...

    Article : 95 words
  41. Important Assessment Appeal.

    The Australian Gaslight Co. appealed against the assessment of £67 10s placed upon its property of of "gas-mains, pipes, &c., various streets," by the Ashfield borough valuers. Mr. Wise, barrister ...

    Article : 292 words
  42. Queensland News.

    Various companies of the Defence Force Will take part in a grand review in the Queen's Park on the 25th instant. The weather is fine. ...

    Article : 29 words
  43. Water and Sewage natter.

    On Wednesday the city engineer visited Rose Bay, in order to inspect the water supply developed there in connection with the construction of the new sewage works. The supply did not seem sufficient ...

    Article : 135 words
  44. The War Scare.

    Mysterious vessel scares are still being kept up, although in a somewhat lukewarm and half-hearted manner. The stationmaster at Fowler's Bay, in the Bight, telegraphs on native ...

    Article : 131 words
  45. The Walhora at Hobart.

    The Waihora arrived yesterday from New Zealand ports. She has forty-six horses, and sixteen head of cattle for this place. The Weihora brings back the overcarried passengers of the ...

    Article : 68 words
  46. Tasmanian Defences.

    The Imperial Government has agreed, in answer to a request from the Governor, to appoint an officer as staff officer of engineers and torpedo instructor. The Imperial Government, however ...

    Article : 41 words
  47. The Domain Suicide.

    In South Sydney Morgue, Thursday, Mr. H. Shiell, the city coroner, held an inquest on the body of Herman Flugge, who was found hanging dead to a fence in the Domain on Wednesday. It appeared from the ...

    Article : 325 words
  48. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 257 words
  49. Oamaru Election.

    The election of a representative for the electorate of Oamaru, which took place yesterday, resulted in the return of Mr. Hislop to a seat in Parliament. ...

    Article : 34 words
  50. A Court-martial.

    A court-martial was held yesterday on John Lennon, gunner in a battery of the Queensland Permanent Artillery, for having been asleep and deserted his post while on sentry duty on ...

    Article : 80 words
  51. Robbery in a Railway Carriage.

    A daring robbery took place on Tuesday night in the mail train from Sydney. Mr. C. W. Bromilow, of Orange, who was returning from Sydney, occupied a bunk in a sleeping car, and ...

    Article : 93 words
  52. The Queen's Birthday.

    The Government has at almost the last moment come to the decision to have no military display whatever on Monday next (the Queen's birthday), but to postpone the observance of the day as far as any ...

    Article : 93 words
  53. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 56 words
  54. Accident in Terowle.

    The Ministerial party on a visit to the Terowie mines met with a serious accident in Monday afternoon. The party was being conveyed in eight carriages when the side of the third vehicle broke and ...

    Article : 149 words
  55. Narrabri-Walgett Railway.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 153 words



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