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  2. Mining.

    NEWCASTLE, Monday,—Arrangements were concluded to-day for the opening up of a new celliery near Waratah. Shoots of good coal have been proved at a considerable depth. The venture, so far, ...

    Article : 36 words
  3. The Soudan Campaign.

    The acting Colonial Secretary was in his office a little before 8 o'clock on Monday, and soon afterward met the Minister of Works and the Colonial Treasurer. Nearly the whole of the duties with which these ...

    Article : 1,260 words

    LONDON, February 22.—The Orient Co.'s R.M.S. Garonne sailed from Plymouth on the 20th instant for Australian ports. SUEZ, February 22.—The R.M.S. Orient sailed ...

    Article : 54 words
  5. Adelaide University.

    The report of the Adelaide University for 1884 has been published. During the year five fresh undergraduates have proceeded to the arts course, and 11 to laws ; 42 are now studying laws. The ...

    Article : 79 words

    Mr. H .W. Newman, the manager, reported on February 20:—I have just completed cleaning and casking the Duke's latest, Which has turned out to be the largest bonanza ever shot out of the mine, its ...

    Article : 154 words

    TAMWORTH, Monday.—The members of the local Volunteer corps who left Tamworth lost Wednesday for service in Egypt, and who were rejected by the military authorities, returned home by the mail ...

    Article : 65 words

    David Grewer, a market gardener, Was charged at the Criminal Sessions, to-day, With the manslaughter of George Leech, nightcart man, on the night of January 31, by having run over him ...

    Article : 146 words
  9. Newcastle items.

    An alarm of fire occurred on Friday in Mrs. M'Lean's residence, Blane-street. The engines were turned out, but the affair ended in smoke. The past week's customs revenue amounted to ...

    Article : 381 words
  10. Disappointment in Love.

    On Saturday a young servant girl named Mary Miller attempted to commit suicide by having' leaped into Hawker's Creek, Port Adelaide ; but a man named John Bartlett, who was passing at ...

    Article : 56 words

    AUCKLAND, Monday,—The Naval Brigade in Port chalmers has volunteered for the soudan. ...

    Article : 21 words

    BRISBANE, Monday.—The following crushing are reported from Gympie:—No. 1 North Glanmire, 110 tons stone for 282oz of gold; Nos. 8 and 4 North Glanmire, 899 tons.yielded 924Sz of gold; Ellen ...

    Article : 57 words
  13. Glen Innes Show.

    About 1400 persons patronised the show on Friday. The weather was fine and warm. Armidale came in for a goodly portion of the prizes. James Martin and Co., of Sydney, were ...

    Article : 175 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 33 words

    Mr. Sydney Smith, M.LA., has received the following letter from Mr. Critohett Walker, the principal under-secretary:—Referring to your letter, in which you made application for a supply of hospital ...

    Article : 92 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 141 words
  17. A Detective Mobbed.

    While Detective Griffin was attempting to arrest Henry Welch, for larceny, in a lane off Lonsdale-street, on Sunday, he was set upon by a crowd of thieves' associates. His head ...

    Article : 38 words

    RYDAL, Monday.—One ton of refined silver (which also contains gold) was sent in the mail train to Sydney on Saturday. This makes over three tons which have been sent away this year. A further quantity ...

    Article : 72 words
  19. Death from a Snakebite.

    A fatal case of snakebite occurred last week to [?]Robb, a son of Mr. T. Robb, of Thornton, near Alexandra. The boy was playing at a short near from the house, with his boots off. ...

    Article : 235 words
  20. Alleged Attempted Suicide.

    As a train from Newcastle was nearing Glencoe on Friday night, a horse, the property of Mr. J. Witherspoon, got on the line, and before the engine could be stopped, the animal was run ...

    Article : 163 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 118 words
  22. Coloured Labour Question.

    A conference of delegates from the societies opposed to tie employment of cheap labour crews on vessels trading in the intercolonial coastline, and of representatives of the various steamship companies ...

    Article : 76 words
  23. Drowned at Manly Beach.

    A case, which should prove a warning to bathers who are inclined to be too venturesome, happened on Monday, near to the Fairy Bower, in Manly Beach. Between 50 and 60 persons were bathing ...

    Article : 190 words

    A 10 miles pedestrian Tace took place in the Friendly Society's Gardens on Saturday, between O'Connor, of New Zealand, and Power, of Melbourne. Power led for the first five miles, and then O'Connor took the lead, which he kept ...

    Article : 57 words
  25. Albury Quarter Sessions.

    The Quarter Sessions were opened to-day by Judge Forbes. The cause list was very light. Mr. Pitcairn held the brief for the Crown, and Messrs. W. H. Coffey,' Bindon, and Campbell represented ...

    Article : 84 words
  26. Land Board Meeting.

    There was a full meeting of the Land Board on Friday. The chairman was Mr. Sydney Blythe. At the opening of the court, he made a brief speech. He reviewed the duties of the board and ...

    Article : 180 words
  27. MEMS.

    The Northern District coursing season trill open on March 14. in Brancter. A 125 yards footrace, for £80, fans been arranged between D. Lightfoot, of Newcastle, and H. Cropper, of lambton. ...

    Article : 229 words
  28. Parliamentary Rifle Teams.

    To-day, the New South Wales parliamentary rife and cricket team will proceed to Baliarat in a special train. The team will be accompanied by its Victorian fellow-legislators. In the evening, in ...

    Article : 53 words
  29. Business Changes.

    Quite recently, a dissolution of partnership took place in one of the leading business places, by which Mr. E. G. Lewis became the sole proprietor of the business which so long was known ...

    Article : 62 words
  30. The Discovery of a Skeleton.

    Nothing further has transpired in regard to the discovery of a skeleton in Mr Kemp's garden, Footseray, except that previously to his tenancy, a stable shed was built over the spot where the ...

    Article : 42 words
  31. Banquet in Orange.

    The acting Colonisl Secretary, Mr. Dalley, will leave Sydney at 10 minutes past 8 o'clock on Thursday morning in a special train for Orange, and will be accompanied by Several of his colleagues. We ...

    Article : 71 words
  32. Lismore Stems.

    In connection with the proposed Ministerial visit to the Richmond River district, a large and influential meeting was held in the Protestant Hall, Lismore, on Saturday last, under the ...

    Article : 84 words
  33. Sydney Quarter Sessions.

    The Metropolitan Court of Quarter Sessions was opened to-day. before District Court Judge Dowling in the Darlinghurst Court-house. Mr. Edward Lee, barrister, prosecented on behalf of the Crown. ...

    Article : 591 words
  34. A Shocking Discovery.

    A raid was made by the police on the Belvidere Hotel, Victoria Parade, on Sunday. They discovered (it is alleged) twelve loose women occupying bedrooms with men. Most of the girls ...

    Article : 64 words
  35. Stabbing Affray in Gaol.

    A telegram which has been received in Hay said that the prisoner Roberts, who was sentenced to eight years imprisonment for having attempted to till the horse Terminus, is the man who was ...

    Article : 62 words
  36. A Fatal Fall.

    On Sunday a man named Thomas Sheedan, 60 years of age, lately employed in Marshall's Brewery, Paddington, fell down a flight of stairs at the house of his son-in-law, Alfred Pitt, Norman Villa, ...

    Article : 116 words
  37. A Braque Aground.

    The barque Mary Ann Annison, which is laden with timber, and which was bound for Sydney, went ashore on the North Spit, Kaipara, on Saturday. It is probable that tie vessel will ...

    Article : 56 words
  38. A Distressing Fatality.

    Richard Richards, a carrier, an old resident of the district, was crossing the Murray River in a punt, on Friday last, with his waggon and bullocks. The puntman, when in mid-stream, ...

    Article : 116 words
  39. The Lismore Fire.

    To show the severity of the recent fire, the salvage on two of the destroyed premises (Messrs. Bostock's and Stanford's) was sold by Mr. Stocks on Saturday last for only £14 15s. ...

    Article : 37 words
  40. Redfern Police Court.

    In the Redfern Police Court Monday, before Mr.T. K. Abbott, S.M., James Verender, 11 years of age, was charged with having habitually wandered about with no ostensible lawful occupation. Bichard ...

    Article : 119 words
  41. Rabbits near Albury.

    Mr. M. E. M'Kay, the Inspector of Stock, came across a warren of rabbits within three miles of Albury on Saturday. He, with a couple of crack shots, went in search of the bunnies in the ...

    Article : 64 words
  42. Queensland News.

    The municipal council and the omnibus men are having a quarrel on account of the Mayor having issued an order to the effect that 'buses are not to go down Queen-street on Saturday ...

    Article : 199 words
  43. Delay of Newcastle Telegrams.

    Nearly all to-day the lines were down, between Newcastle and Sydney. Such a denouement is by no means of infrequent occurrence. Barrenjoey, as a rule, is the point where the disaster ...

    Article : 72 words
  44. Fire in Hobart. The Cliffy Island Shipwreck.

    A fire broke out on Sunday near Hedley's Orient Hotel, which, was full of visitors from the colonies. Great alarm was occasioned. Many visitors rushed out in their nightdresses, and The steamer Debay, Captain Lee, arrived from Hongkong, on Sunday, with the crew of nine and Captain Malinberg, of the Swedish barque Luns, which was wrecked off Cliffy ...

    Article : 287 words
  45. Charge of Arson.

    John Connelly was charged in the Redfern Police Court on Monday, by Sergeant Miller, with having maliciously set fire to a dwelling-house, the property of Mr. Paull, situated in Paull's-lane, Waterloo. ...

    Article : 273 words
  46. Maryville Colliery. Newcastle.

    The newly opened Maryville Colliery, on the Hannell Estate, "Wickham, is now approaching full swing. The lease for the right to carry coals over the ground belonging to Mr. Peter Fleming, ...

    Article : 97 words
  47. Queensland Railway Department.

    A re-arrangement of the staff of the Railway Department Will take place shortly. Mr. A. O . Herbert has been offered the new position of Under-Secretary of Railways, It is probable that ...

    Article : 79 words
  48. Fire in Newcastle.

    A fire broke out on Saturday night in Neve's furniture warehouses, in Lower Wolfe-street, near the School of arts. It was fortunately discovered in time, and an Alarm having been raised, the ...

    Article : 184 words
  49. Central Police court.

    Mr. Clarke, S.M. presided at the Central Police Court, Monday, Michael Kelcher was charged with having made use of indecent language in Little Gripps-street, and was fined £5 (or three months). ...

    Article : 172 words

    There were thousands of spectators in the partdington Barracks, Monday afternoon, watching the movements of the enlisted troops for the soudan campaign. Following are the names ...

    Article : 97 words
  51. Adelaide Trades and Labour Council. .

    The first annual meeting of the Trades and Labour Council was held on Friday night. One hundred and eighty-five trade and labour societies are represented on the council, comprising about ...

    Article : 141 words

    The Reforth Club will give a athner on Thursday next to a member of the club who are loaying the solony with the [?] to [?] ...

    Article : 21 words
  53. The Cootamundra Smash.

    The usual weekly meeting of the Woollabra literary and Debating Society was held in the congregational Sohool-room, Queen-street, Wollahra, on Thursday evening. There was a good attendance. ...

    Article : 65 words

    MELBOURNE, Monday.—Public [?] the Sothen [?] the daily pipers claim that the Victorian offer has ...

    Article : 25 words
  55. Sad Fatality from steamer Morpeth.

    On Saturday morning, on the arrival of the steamer Morpeth from Sydney, a fatal accident was reported to Inspector Thorpe. Mounted trooper Brierly (or Brierly), stationed at ...

    Article : 161 words
  56. Thrashed by women.

    A most Sensational [?] last Thursday. Two ladies from sydney interviewed gentleman who is going to seek the suffrages of [?] at the next selection previously they ...

    Article : 68 words
  57. SERVICES [?]

    NEWCASTLE Monday.—All [?] ice in the Soudan have passed the Sydney medical lamination. Much discontent is expressed at a ...

    Article : 133 words



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