Because of the coal strike, restrictions on the transport of goods by rail will be imposed in New South Wales on Tuesday, October 4. ...
Article : 310 wordsKevin Griffith, 13½, and Victor Griffith, 10, brothers, are believed to have been drowned in a channel 20ft deep in the Narrabeen Lakes last evening. ...
Article : 561 wordsPresident Roosevelt to-day made a direct personal appeal to Herr Hitler and President Bcncs to settle their controversies by negotiation and to ...
Article : 667 wordsThe atmosphere throughout Britain is electric—with hope for peace on the one hand and, on the other hand, with expectancy of a German ...
Article : 740 wordsThe text of Herr Hitler's memorandum, containing his final demands, and the text of the original proposals of Great Britain and France, are now ...
Article : 873 wordsIt is officially announced that the Prime Minister, Mr. Chamberlain, with the full approval of the French Premier, M. Daladier, and Foreign Minister, M. Bonnet, decided to make a personal communication to Herr Hiller, and that Sir Horace Wilson, Mr. ...
Article : 272 wordsDemonstrations by strikers—the first of any consequence since the strike began—occurred to-day at the Northumberland No. 2 colliery and at ...
Article : 747 wordsThe Prime Minister, Mr. Lyons, had long telephone conversations late this afternoon with the British Prime Minister, Mr. Chamberlain, and the ...
Article : 572 wordsA significant event in the AngloFrench discussions in London to-day was a flight to London by the French Commander-in-Chief, General Marie ...
Article : 1,161 words"President Roosevelt's cable was wrongly addressed; it should have gone to Prague." declared the spokesman of the Propaganda Ministry. ...
Article : 292 wordsSix British battalions are being suddenly drafted to Hong Kong. The First Battalion of the Seaforth Highlanders embarked on the cruiser Birmingham ...
Article : 144 wordsThe Prime Minister, General Hertzog, has called a special meeting of the Cabinet for Wednesday to discuss the international situation. ...
Article : 172 wordsCzech forces face the Sudeten volunteers a mile apart east of here. The Czechs do not desire to attack Asch, but are firing at any cars within range to ...
Article : 331 wordsThe Czechs contend that Herr Hitler's memorandum means a complete surrender to terms that it would be harsh to impose on a vanquished foe at the ...
Article : 815 wordsOfficers and men of the anti-aircraft units and of the coast defence units of the Territorial army, have been called up. The personnel of the Royal Air Force has ...
Article : 92 wordsBoth Yugoslavia and Rumania, fellow members with Czechoslovakia of the Little Entente, are reported to have declared that their armies will support ...
Article : 202 wordsIt is believed that proprietors of collieries in the West Moreton district during the week will approach the State Industrial Court and ask it either to call a compulsory coference, ...
Article : 177 wordsMadame Pani Mary Bata, widow of the millionaire founder of the famous shoe factory of Lin, Czechoslovakia, who is at present staying at a London hotel. is unable to return ...
Article : 102 wordsThe Ministor for Lands, Mr. Sinclair, has refused the application by Mr. F. J. Terry for a lease of 20 acres of public reserve adjoining land on ...
Article : 173 wordsAfter parading the city bearing banners condemning the German militarism, a crowd of 65,000 persons gathered at the Chicago Stadium and cheered the speakers, who predicted that ...
Article : 122 wordsOfficials at the German Consulate-General said yesterday that no instructions had been received calling on German residents in Australia to hold themselves in readiness for ...
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Tue 27 Sep 1938, Page 11
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