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  2. The Angelus.

    All over the Catholic world, from every belfry and church tower, conies thrice daily the call to prayer. That universal invitation is lovingly responded to by millions of ...

    Article : 814 words
  3. Chats in the Home Circle

    I love Thee, God, among the city's sighing, I love Thee in the solemn hours of night; I love Thee, Lord, when weary day is dying, And Nature fades in silence from my sight. ...

    Article : 103 words
  4. Unexampled Love.

    Wonderful beyond all our powers of comprehension is the story of Our Lord's love for us. What are the feelings of men towards Him in return? We should expect ...

    Article : 359 words
  5. St. Aloysius Gonzaga.

    Our youth, so apt to run unconsciously into spiritual danger, have a patron to whom they should show no little devotion, and from whom they can learn so much. It is ...

    Article : 321 words
  6. Sir Thomas More.

    The character of Sir Thomas More in domestic life was truly amiable and might well be imitated at the present day by those engaged in high offices. Writing to ...

    Article : 161 words
  7. Finds Grace.

    If you tremble before the Divine Majesty, because, in becoming Man, He remains God, and if you seek for an intercessor with Him, have recourse to Mary. ...

    Article : 128 words
  8. Bestowal of Praise.

    It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs ...

    Article : 141 words
  9. Mother and Son.

    Devotion to Jesus Christ is invariably followed by devotion to His Immaculate Mother. Therefore it is that the saints of God have not hesitated to say the measure ...

    Article : 107 words
  10. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 203 words



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