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Advertising : 73 wordsThe council met od Wednesday evening, than being present: Ald. Leighton (Mayor), Mealing, Austin, Napier, Dixon, Springett, Loseby, Tyrrell, and Moses. ...
Article : 780 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 199 wordsDaniel Flood pleaded guilty to a charge of riotous behaviour in Mittagong on the 13th May. He stated that on the evening of the date mentioned he arrived by train, when ...
Article : 1,957 wordsSIR,—In the last two issues of your paper I have read letters appearing nuder the above heading from "Janice" and "Sydneyite" with reference to a little matter ...
Article : 309 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 283 wordsThe Bowral Council invites tenders for reforming and metalling on the Old South Road. Mittagong Council is inviting applications ...
Article : 273 wordsMarriage is like drink, you can never tell what drives folk to it, and if you are ever asked how many different reasons then are for getting spliced, take the number of ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 279 wordsThe monthly meeting of the committee of the above institution was held on Tuesday evening, there being present: Dr. Vallack (president), Dr. Alsop, Messrs. Valentine ...
Article : 376 words{No abstract available}
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Advertising : 275 wordsAt the Methodist Church, Bowral, on Sunday evening last, a solemn and impressive service was conducted by the Rev. B. Lane in memory of the late Mrs. Randolph ...
Article : 563 wordsSIR,—A drain with large iron grating, situated in the main street of Bowral, belches forth the most abominable stench that ever assailed my sense of smell. It is a clear ...
Article : 57 wordsA court for the hearing of appeals against the Bowral municipal assessments for the current year was held at the courthouse, Bowral, on Tuesday afternoon, before Mr. ...
Article : 373 wordsAnother severs shook of carthquake has occurred in Mexico. It opened a new crater in the volcano Colima, and both craters are now belching forth fire and lave. ...
Article : 180 wordsComplaint is mada of the Government subsidy to the Berry Council being reduced from £400 to £250. A meeting of business people of Ki[?]ma ...
Article : 164 wordsDuring the late fruit season manyor[?] ardists in this district suffered heavy losses of apples owing to a black spot which affected the fruit, and in one instance (that of Mr. E. ...
Article : 148 wordsWithout doubt, at the present time this State is progressing by leaps and bounds, and its solid prosperity is evident on every hand. it would appear as though in a few ...
Article : 238 words{No abstract available}
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Robertson Advocate (NSW : 1894 - 1923), Fri 16 Jun 1911, Page 2
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