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  2. The New Cricket Ground.

    On the new cricket ground, to-morrow (Wednesday), will be played a "muff match," in which some celebrated "muffs" will take cart, and the play is expected to be both interesting and exciting. Wickets ...

    Article : 32 words
  3. A Hard Case.

    Some of the newly arrived immigrants last week (says the Grafton ARGUS) were barded at Miss Rieley's in Victoria-street. A little child belonging to one poor woman died there, and on Sunday the poor ...

    Article : 121 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 829 words

    If we rightly interpret "half a hint" we have received (says the TUMUT NEWS), the Very Rev. Dean M'Carthy will be the next Roman Catholic Bishop of Armidale. ...

    Article : 37 words
  6. Latest from Japan and China.

    Cooktown, November 29.—The Bowen has brought news from Java to November 2. A scorching hea[?] ws prevalent, and rain greatly needed. The coffee prospects are discouraging, in consequence of ...

    Article : 180 words
  7. The Building Trade.

    As illustrative of the extent of works in progress in connection with the building trade in the city, it may be mentioned that one of the Urge iron firms, having a building in course of erection in ...

    Article : 63 words
  8. Family Notices

    {No abstract available}

    Family Notices : 117 words
  9. Shock of Earthquake.

    On Wednesday morning between 12 and 1 o'clock, says the BOMBALA TIMES, slight shock of earthquake was felt at Maharatta station, also at Bombaia, the noise resembling that of distant thunder ...

    Article : 127 words
  10. An American Trotting Horse.

    A gentleman from Melbourne, en route to Europe, knowing of the scarcity in this city of first-class trotting hoses, has brought with him the celebrated American ttrotting horse Jonathan, the winner of several ...

    Article : 90 words
  11. December 4.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 18 words

    The work done yesterday on the course was interesting iiig. Janitor, Giovanna, and Coquette did good work but Amendment, Woodlands, and Diver were not be pleasing as formerly. A report ...

    Article : 97 words
  13. The Greatest Haul of the Season,

    We are informed that one day last week a fishig club, under the direction of Mr. Robert Newton, an old resilient of Watson's Bay. took a trip on board the Acis to the fibbing ground, five miles outside the ...

    Article : 82 words
  14. Scarcity of Water Northward.

    With the great demand for water at Wrrah and the very limited supply (says MURRURUNDI TIMES) a very disagreeable state of tilings has resulted. Of the several wells recently sunk, not one is now ...

    Article : 137 words
  15. Sea Serpent off the Coast.

    The chief officer of the Maid of Judah sends us the following memorandum:—"Tuesday, November 20, 1877—Longitade 121 deg 26min E., latitude 40deg 2min S., at 11 a.m., while some of the hands were ...

    Article : 175 words
  16. Another Accident on the Northern Line. |

    With that fatality attributed to troubles of never coming alone, Muswellbrook station (says the MURRURUNDI TIMES) has been the scene of another but less serious interruption of railway traffic On ...

    Article : 101 words
  17. No title

    It Trill be seen by an announcement from the Superintendent of Telegraphs, which appears in another column of this paper, that, in consequence of tho refusal of the Dutch ...

    Article : 647 words
  18. E. W. C.'s Statements about Immigrants jer Star of India.

    We have made inquiries as to the statements made by a correspondent, under the signature 'E. W. C.,"in our issue for Friday last, respecting twenty to thirty persons who represented themselves ...

    Article : 380 words
  19. (The Heralds Messages)

    The drought continues unbroken. There is no grass in any part of the district. Stock are daily dying in large numbers from starvation, and the prospect offered by a few months more of this ...

    Article : 951 words
  20. A Raid on the Kangaroos.

    Some of our young men not particularly engaged just now (says the MARYBOROUGH CHRONICLE) think there is a prospect of profitable enterprise under: the Marsupial Act. A party of crack shots and ...

    Article : 110 words
  21. Amusements.

    COOPER AND BAILEY'S CIRCUS.—A new programme was carried out in this exhibition last night, in presence of a very largo andience. Among the most remarkable features of this new programme are the ...

    Article : 277 words
  22. The Salmon Ova Experiment.

    The Melbourne Argus states that the latest experiment of Sir Samuel Wilson in the introduction of salmon baa, so far, been a brilliant success, The ova, which were received in very fair condition ...

    Article : 153 words
  23. A Hard Case.

    A correspondence [?] as follows:—"Sir,—A girl of mine was a patient in the Melbourne Hospital for five weeks, and Dr. Heffernan told her mother that the had dropsy, from disease of the heart She died on 2nd of November. ...

    Article : 152 words
  24. Telegrams to Java. India, Europe. &c.

    The Superintendent of Telegraphs has forwarded to us the following notification, having reference to International cable messages:—"The Eastern Extension Telegraph Company notify that the Java ...

    Article : 220 words
  25. The Wool Trade on the Railway.

    The number of bales of wool received in Sydney by the railway from the southern and western districts has been in excess of that received last season, and has for exceeded the expectation of tho railway ...

    Article : 143 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 440 words
  27. An Evil of Going to Church.

    On Sunday evening last (reports the Banner) a lady had a very narrow escape of being locked up for the night in the Wesleyan church. It appears that just after the lights hod been turned out ...

    Article : 199 words
  28. Public School at Darlington.

    The ceremony of laying: the foundation-stone of the new Public school at Darlington took place last Saturday afternoon iu the presence of a large number of persons. The site of the school is on the Old ...

    Article : 831 words
  29. A Masonic Constitution for New South Wales.

    A ceremony that will have considerable interest for Freemasons, took place in the new Temperance Hall, Pitt-street, last evening, when a grand lodge for New South Wales was declared to befor raod with a ...

    Article : 394 words
  30. A Brave Effort to Escape.

    A seaman of the City of Madrid, named James Wilson, having determined to desert the vessel in consequence of alleged tyrannical conduct on the put of some one or other of the officers, he was ...

    Article : 252 words

    The debate on Mr. Farnell's amendment on the address, which ia all probability will conclude to-nigut, having lasted already three day, cannot be considered satisfactory, The question of ...

    Article : 717 words
  32. Stock and Share Market.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 26 words
  33. Mrs. Nerney Again in Court.

    The Full Court yesterday were again treated to display of Mrs. Catherine Agnes Keniey' ioroniric eloquence. Nothing daunted by the adverse verdict returned by the jury in the case Nerney v. the Queen ...

    Article : 232 words
  34. To the Editor.

    SIR,—On Friday last another score of drivers or so were summoned to the Police Court far rounding the corners of our streets at a faster pace than a walk. as long as there are our streets at a faster pace than a walk. As long as there are offenders, it is quite right that they should bo caught and punished. But at the same time I believe it Is generally ...

    Article : 355 words
  35. Anglo-Chinese Profligacy.

    At the Central Police Office, this morning, before Messrs. Bayley and Hyam, a woman was charged under the name of Janet Bun Ah Sum, by constable Rafferty with being a common vagrant, and behaving ...

    Article : 184 words
  36. Sporting Mems.

    To-morrow, the 5th of December, will dose the entries for Maiden Plate, Grind Stand Stakes, and Members' Purse, to be run for at the Hawkesbury on Boxing Day, just three weeks away, and as the prizes ...

    Article : 273 words
  37. The Two Deaths from Drowning.

    The City Coroner yesterday afternoon resumed the inquiry at the Observer Tavern, lower George-street, respecting the drowning of the two men Patrick, Cadogan and James William Mann, at the Grafton ...

    Article : 207 words
  38. Parliamentary.

    The debate on Mr. Farnell's Want of Confidence Amendment will be resumed in the Legislative Assembly thin afternoon, and it is expected that division will be come to some time to-night ...

    Article : 34 words
  39. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 170 words
  40. The Weather.

    The weather has been exceedingly close and sultry in the city to-day, the sky by it cloudy appearance indicating that rain is not far distant. From the weather board this morning we learn that similar ...

    Article : 63 words



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