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  2. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 317 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 1,131 words
  4. Mormonistic Influences.

    A woman named Margaret Beatie has been ordered to the reception house for lunatics at Darlinghurst by the Singleton Bench. The evidence showed that prisoner was the mother of James Bestie, who was ...

    Article : 103 words
  5. Borough of Newtown.

    Capitalists and investors are reminded that tenders for the purchase of thirty debentures of £100 each, secured upon the rates of the Borough of Newtown, having a currency of 10 years, and bearing 6 per ...

    Article : 53 words
  6. The Church of England.

    We clip the following items from the Australian Churchman of Saturday:—The General Synod of the Church of England in Australia and Tasmania has been summoned by the Metropolitan, for Tuesday, October ...

    Article : 212 words
  7. Alleged Robbery at Mount Victoria.

    We learn from the Hartley correspondent of the Maitland Mercury that three men, in custody on remand, have been brought up at the local Petty Sessions before T. H. Neale, Esq., P.M., named William Hains, ...

    Article : 232 words
  8. Skeleton Keys—A Suspected Burglar.

    Constable Thompson arrested a man named John Brady, alias Clarke, on Saturday night, on a charge of drunkenness, and locked him up at the Central Police station. When searched, Brady was found to have in ...

    Article : 245 words
  9. Amusements.

    These artists, the latest introduction from America, made their debut at the Theatre Royal on Saturday night, in a drama entitled 'Conrad and Lizette." The piece is by no means badly constructed, and contains a ...

    Article : 473 words

    The steamer Leichhardt left to-day (30th June), at 5, with 9500 ounces of gold. A coal mine is being opened at Oakey Creek. The latest reports from the Mulligan goldfield ...

    Article : 98 words
  11. Family Notices

    {No abstract available}

    Family Notices : 332 words
  12. Intercolonial Hand-Ball Match.

    The committee recently appointed to arrange with Victoria in the matter of a hand-ball contest hare received a communication from the Victorian players, intimating their willingness to engage in the contest. ...

    Article : 74 words
  13. Art Union.

    An art union, in which there will be a distribution of same splendid paintings, takes place shortly at the studio of Mr. J. H. Carse and Mr. G Podmore, 348, George-street. Three hundred tickets only will be sold. ...

    Article : 320 words
  14. Sudden Death.

    About half-past 5 this morning a woman named Mary Mahoney, a widow, aged 68 years, was found dead in her bed at her residence, at James Kiloh's, in Gipps-street, Paddington. Kiloh states that deceased rented ...

    Article : 120 words
  15. PARKES.

    The foot-race between Applett and Mehan came off this afternoon. Applett won easy by six yards. The distance was 150 yards. Time, 15½ secs. ...

    Article : 29 words
  16. Assault on a Woman with a Tomahawk.

    On 26th ultimo a woman named Catherine Martin, a resident of Ultimo, was admitted to the Sydney Infirmary, suffering from a wound in the head inflicted with a tomahawk by a man named Thomas ...

    Article : 187 words

    Michael Connor, in the lock-up on a charge of lunacy, rushed the keeper, seized a revolver, and attempted to shoot him. He then shot himself dead. An inquiry has been hold, and terminated ...

    Article : 46 words
  18. A Charge of Harbouring Seamen.

    The charge against one Peter Beans, a publican, in lower George-street, of having harboured three seamen named Peter Rutz, Olab Hansen and Bersus Johannsen, deserters from the German ship Herman, ...

    Article : 364 words

    On Saturday morning a sailor named Frederick Esprin, belonging to the American schooner Nellie, fell off the mast head at Queenscliffe. He was picked up by the schooner Rip and landed, when ...

    Article : 108 words
  20. Football.

    Waratah 1st fiftenn v. Burwood 1st twenty.—These two teams met on Saturday last at Burwood, the Waratahs winning by two goals, and a like number of touches down, while the Burwood representatives, in ...

    Article : 779 words
  21. DIARY, JULY 3.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 43 words
  22. Civil Service Co-operative Society.

    The shareholders of this society met on Friday evening at the Acad my of Arts, to consider propositions to alter certain rules. There was considerable discussion as to the advisability of carrying out the ...

    Article : 132 words
  23. No title

    SOME months ago when, during a epeeeh of the Premier, Mr. DIBBS had interjected the remark "By their fruits ye shall know them,"—Mr. ROBERTSON replied to the taunt by reminding ...

    Article : 783 words

    We have not heard much of the spiritualists for some time. What are they about that they have not era this come to the rescue, (seeing that cable communication with the old country is interrupted) and supplied ...

    Article : 1,134 words
  25. New Rush at Wild Duck Flat, near Dunolly.

    On Saturday last the news of a prospecting party having struck gold on the above flat, caused a general stampede from the Old Lead and other workings in this neighbourhood, till scarcely a man was ...

    Article : 220 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 329 words
  27. Revolting Murder at the Palmer.

    We learn the following from the correspondence of the Brisbane Courier of 21st ult.:—"News of another horrible murder has just come to hand. Only last week the shanty-keeper, Lindsay, received a sentence of ten ...

    Article : 439 words
  28. Sydney Night Refuge and Reformatory.

    On Friday evening the eleventh annual report of the Sydney Night Refuge and Reformatory (in Francis-street, Wooloomooloo), was read at a tea-meeting, held in the new Temperance Hall, Pitt-street. The ...

    Article : 286 words
  29. Stock and Share Market.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 77 words



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