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  2. Sporting.

    A committee meeting of the New South Wales Coursing tookplace yesterday afternoon at the Royal Hotel. Present [?] W.[?] (in the chair), A.H. Gardiner. [?] H. M'Quade. J.C. Lowe, G.L. Lord, C. ...

    Article : 269 words

    SIR,-Some time ago a proposal was made in one of the adjoining colonies to impose a tax on pianos as a near of raising some necessary revenue. The idea was not taken up, so that nothing came of it and ...

    Article : 239 words
  4. Family Notices

    {No abstract available}

    Family Notices : 34 words
  5. Shipping.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 1,028 words
  6. Notes on Current Events.

    Foremost amongst those institutions of the colony which are calculated to spread a knowledge of science, whether theoretical or applied, is without doubt the Royal Society. and the power ...

    Article : 642 words

    LONDON, December 1.-The match for the sculling championship of the world, between Laycock and Hanlan is to take place on the Thames, over the usual course, ...

    Article : 71 words
  8. Latest from New Zealand.

    H.M.S. Emerald has been ordered to the Solomon Islands with instructions to land a force, and punish the natives who were guilty of the Sandfly massacre. ...

    Article : 38 words
  9. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 108 words
  10. Shocking News from Coonamble

    A shocking tragedy occurred here to-day. A hotelkeeper named Charles Barker shot his wife dead, then reloaded his gun and shot himself through the heart. Barker had been drinking ...

    Article : 135 words
  11. Turkey and Greece.

    LONDON, December 1.- The Sultan of Turkey ban addressed a note to the Great Powers, invoking their mediation in reference to Greece, in view of the bellicoso ...

    Article : 36 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 61 words
  13. Callon's Sentence Deferred.

    LONDON, November30.-The sentence parsed upon Mr. P. Gallon, M.P. for Louth, for [?]belling Mr. A. M. Sulhvan, M.P., has been deferred. ...

    Article : 26 words

    SIR-Knowing that your [?] are open to the public, more espe[?]y to [?] occupy the minds of parents or of gaurdians, I ask you to insert a few lines regarding the [?] my adopted ...

    Article : 221 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 140 words
  16. London Wool Market.

    LONDON. November30.-At the wool sales to-day, greasy merino realised ½d higher. ...

    Article : 16 words
  17. Municipal Disfrauchisement.

    The annual civic eleclions in Sydney, have been held without attracting much attention from the Press or the general public. The general parliamentary elections have ...

    Article : 606 words
  18. Deputations.

    A deputation of the following gentlemen, viz [?]. letchr M.L.A., Wallace, C[?], Brooks, M'Michael, and Grisdale waited on the Minister for lands this morning and were introduced by Mr. G. ...

    Article : 300 words
  19. The City of New York.

    Messrs. Gilchrist, Watt, and Co. have received cablegram announcing the arrival of the R.M.S.S. City of New York at San Francisco on November 30 (due date, 2nd instant) ...

    Article : 33 words

    A novel case was decided to-day by his Honor Judge Dowling. John Short, a billiard marker at respectable appearance, sued Solomon Simeon Moses, propietor of the great northern hotel ...

    Article : 161 words

    SIR.-Last evening I attended a lecture given by Mr. Gi[?]s in the T[?] Hall, Pi[?]treet, and was surprised to [?] say that there is no conflict [?] science and the history of creation of the ...

    Article : 266 words
  22. Brevities.

    The Albury coach capsized last night. The Dibba di[?]e case still drags its slow length along. All the Wool[?] 'buses and horses, [?] are in ...

    Article : 1,112 words
  23. The Dibbs Divorce Case.

    To-day is the f[?] day of the above case, the unpublished evidence of which accamulates rapidly. The court was crowded directly the doors were opened, as the cross examination of the ...

    Article : 86 words
  24. Serious Accident at Newcastle.

    Last night a serious accident occurred on the Military-road. Bombardier Boys was in the set of firing a small train of powder, when it accidentally exploded, burning his hands, face, arms, ...

    Article : 73 words
  25. Breach of the Fisheries Act.

    Two men, named Joseph Foscatier and George Shy were charged before Messrs. Marsh, field. Hale, and Solomon, at the Water Police Court, with a breach of the Fi[?] Amendment Act, [?] Vic., No. 10, ...

    Article : 135 words
  26. Albury News.

    The coach from G[?]rmanton to Al[?]y upset last night at Thurgoona. There were seven passengers in the coach, but none were much hurt. The driver rode into Albury and procured ...

    Article : 102 words
  27. The "Wild Oats" Prosecution.

    The a[?] hearing of the case against the proprietor of THE Wild Oats took place yesterday afternoon, at the Water Police Court, before Mr. Marah. ...

    Article : 385 words
  28. Late English News,

    At [?].15 p.m. on Tuesday, October 6, a fire broke out at a cotton mill, occupied by Mr. Isaac Schofield, in Clough-lane, Liversedge, near Dewsbury. An alarm was raised, bat an hour had ...

    Article : 104 words
  29. Chemistry.

    The last of a course of 50 lectures on chemistry was delivered by Professor Dixon, F.C.S., in the Technical or Working Men's College Hall. at the Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts, on Tuesday ...

    Article : 149 words

    A shocking accident occurred on Tuesday afternoon, October 5, at Sheffield. A number of boys were playing on a piece of vacant ground near the Maitland Railway, attracted by the animals ...

    Article : 109 words
  31. Queensland Intelligence.

    The well-known capitalist, Mr. James Tyson, has taken up 15,000 acres of sugar-growing land, on the Tally River, above Card[?]to try and utilise aboriginal labour. ...

    Article : 285 words
  32. Commercial.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 712 words

    An extraordinary railway accident occurred at Stafford on the London and North-Western mail line on Tuesday, October 5. As the line train for Birmingham was running out of the station ...

    Article : 518 words
  34. Sudden Death at Petty's Hotel.

    A magisterial inquiry was held this morning at Peltv's hotel, by Mr. W. T. Pinhey, J.P., as [?] the death of Gregory Sharps Waller, who has been staying at Potty's hotel, and who died very suddenly ...

    Article : 307 words
  35. Accidents.

    A man named Walter Flint, living in Riley-street. had his arm fractured yesterday by being ran over by a hoary dray. Frederick Bacon, living at Ultimo, broke his arm this morning by knocking it against a ...

    Article : 95 words
  36. An Unwomanly Woman.

    An exhibition of rather an unusual character was witnessed by the residents of Lower Temora (says the TEMORA HERALD)on Sunday afternoon last. At half-past 3 o'clock on t[?] day a woman might have ...

    Article : 116 words
  37. Melbourne Wool Market.

    Messrs. R. Goldsborough report:-We have sold 4000 bales this week,greasy from 7d to 13[?]d, the latter price was obtained for 174 biles from Geraldra Station fleece and scoured from 13d ...

    Article : 55 words
  38. The Glenelg and the Duckenfield.

    Following is the finding of the Marine Board in connection with the collision between the Glenelg and the Duckenfield:-The evidence in this case is ...

    Article : 139 words
  39. Defeated Candidates Feted.

    A social dejeuner was given last Tuesday evening to Messrs. John Young and Joseph Mi[?], at Mr. J. H. Smith's, Duke of [?] the Enmore-road. About [?]ters ...

    Article : 344 words
  40. The Intercolonial Conference.

    Sir Henry Parkes read a memorandum before the conference yesterday in regard to & federal council, and a lengthy discussion took place on the composition of that body and the nature of ...

    Article : 135 words
  41. The Intercolonial Conference.

    " What practical good," asks the Melbourne AGE of Tuesday, " does Sir Henry Parkes expect to set out of the Conference? We have no doubt that when its proceedings are submitted to the public eye, the ...

    Article : 309 words
  42. Magisterial Inquiries.

    An inquiry at to the cause of death of a man named George Jamieson was held in the boardroom of too Infirmary yesterday, before Mr. W. T. Pinhey, J.P. Evidence was given that he ...

    Article : 233 words
  43. Another Black Wednesday Victim.

    At the inquest on Henry Wm. Whitton, who poisoned himself, a verdict of suicide was re-turned, but there was no evidence to show the state of mind deceased was in. He was a victim ...

    Article : 136 words
  44. Stock and Share Report.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 26 words
  45. Abstract of Sales by Auction

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 15 words



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