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  2. Next Week's Sensations.

    BEFORE the last Randwick races, I was hauled over the coals, and not without reason, for promising to write a few final remarks in the Evening News next preceding the opening day, and not ...

    Article : 1,383 words
  3. The Volunteer Training.

    UNDER the new regulations of the Volunteer system a period of continuous training has been fixed on by the authorities, to be bold once a year, in order to quality the officers and soldiers for passing the ...

    Article : 969 words
  4. What the Papers Say.

    THE ARGUS, writing on the failure of Mr. Lalor's attempt to settle the Border duties question says.—We may lay down as an axiom that New South Wales is entitled to every penny she collects on her ...

    Article : 1,864 words
  5. Morning Gallops,

    THE first to go this morning wore Andover and Sweetmeat, but the light was too uncertain to get a line as to what they did. Crusader did a good strong working gallop over two miles, the last once round in 2.30 ...

    Article : 882 words

    SIR.—As an old journalist, and one who knows that it is the endeavour of every editor to preserve a character for impartiality, I will not do you the Injustice to suppose that became you have inserted a letter upon the above question ...

    Article : 653 words

    SIR,—It has often struck me with surprise that in a warm and enervating climate like that of New South Wales, there has been no movement to establish that most useful and necessary element to one's comfort, viz., "the punkah. ...

    Article : 293 words
  8. Tattersalls Club.

    AT a meeting of the about, held on Thursday evening last, at the club's rooms, Mr. Olliffe Occupied the chair, and there was a large attendance of members. The minutes of the previous meeting having been confirmed , the secretary read ...

    Article : 135 words

    SIR,—I noticed, either in your columns or those contemporary, a suggestion that it would be president to publish and post in some conspicuous position (say the General Post Office) a list of the resident consult, with their official ...

    Article : 362 words
  10. Quarter Sessions.

    James Jones, Henry Howe, and Robert M'Carthy were charged with breaking, entering, and stealing from the dwelling of Mr. Robert Hughes, the broker, of Oxford-street. The stolen property consisted of ...

    Article : 470 words
  11. Newcastle.

    A RICH LODGE OF ODDFELLOWS.—The usual quarterly meeting of the City of Newcastle Lodge, No. 1086, Grand United Order of Oddfellows, was held in the Protestant Hall, King-street, on April 1, Bro. James Breet in the cheir. ...

    Article : 1,206 words
  12. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 1,174 words

    SIR,—Among your numerous correspondents were must be many who have a knowledge of the butchering business, but who are wholly uninterested in it. Will you, therefore, allow are a little space to ask one or other of those gentleman ...

    Article : 325 words
  14. Street Accident.

    An accident of a somewhat serious nature occurred to Mr. Thos. Huntley, of Kent-street, Miller's Point, on Friday afternoon. Mr. Huntley via driving a high-spirited horse in one of his heavy carts, when it ...

    Article : 242 words



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