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    In the half-uncenscious lethargy his mind and body soon fell into, he must have renamed some time, when he saw distinctly (though with half-closed unspeculative eye) a light some out ...

    Article : 1,893 words
  3. MOLONG.

    A numerous and influential public meeting was held here in the Court-house, on Monday last, for the purpose of devising the best means of [?]taining the extension of the Great Western Railway from Orange to Molong. The member for the ...

    Article : 336 words

    A public meeting was held at the Candelo Hotel, on the 16th instant, [?] the purpose of receiving the report of the deputation recently, sent to Sydney with a memorial praying for a road from Nimity bell MOuntain to Candelo. ...

    Article : 583 words

    This township is now progressing with rapid strides in the right direction Fully 20 applications for allotments are received every post day by Mr. T. R. Icely. Daily his hands are full, and his time occupied disposing of allotments, ...

    Article : 520 words
  6. Cruise of the Mission Brig John Wesley.

    THE Wesleyan mission brig John Wesley has recently returned to Port Jacke[?] from her cruise among the Island of Polynesia where the efforts of the missionaries have been devoted to the dissemination of ...

    Article : 1,417 words
  7. PARKES.

    Since my last there has not been much improvement in Nash's p[?]dock; out there has been a hole bottomed at 25[?]st, with a fair depth of wash, and a prospect of over 4dwt to a dish outside the paddock, which has caused a ...

    Article : 1,272 words
  8. MUDGEE.

    RAILWAY L[?]OU[?].—A meeting of the members of the Railway League was held on Tuesday evening, 19th October, in the Town Hall. The permanent chairman, Mr. James Atkinson, occupied the chair. The secretary, ...

    Article : 1,083 words

    GOLD.—197oz were forwarded by escort this week. A change will take place in the day of arrival of the escort at Hargraves when proceeding to Sydney. After the 1st of November it will arrive from Mudgee on Tuesday instead of ...

    Article : 680 words
  10. MOREE.

    A land sale was held at the Police Office, before R. A. Fitzsimmons, Esq., on Saturday last. Such sales of land are pretty frequent occurrences here, and prices often high, ranging from five shillings to twenty over and above upset ...

    Article : 813 words
  11. Country and Mining News.

    We have beautiful weather here at present, if anything a shade too dry; still, everything locks beautiful. The recent rain has caused vegetation to spring up most lu[?]riously, and we see on every hand a mantle of green; the young ...

    Article : 613 words

    The Public School is getting on well under the able management of Mrs. A. Rawle. It is really satisfactory to be able to state that this school is now a credit to the district and the country at large. ...

    Article : 311 words

    The weather has of late been change[?] and, I am sorry to say, unseasonable. On Tuesday night it began to rain. Wednesday was a blustering day, plenty of wind and smart showers, and almost as cold as winter. Thursday was ...

    Article : 887 words
  14. CARCOAB.

    Your correspondent from Handurama township last week spoke of the prespects of that place in glowing terms Whether they are ever likely to be realised is a question that will shortly be put to the test As many of your readers are ...

    Article : 832 words

    MINING—The Grenfell Consol[?] are still sinking and are now over 700 feet deep When mentioning this mine in connection with the Government reward it should have read 800 feet instead of 100 fact, as printed in the TOWN AND COUNTRY. ...

    Article : 276 words
  16. GULGONG.

    NEW RUSH.—On Monday there was a rush upon a small scale, upon some shallow ground between Homer's and the Star lead. The rush was caused by the fact becoming known that Mr. Courts, an old miner had washed out a piece of gold ...

    Article : 1,138 words
  17. [?]

    In pe[?]sing the columns of year valuable and [?]ighly [?] journal from week to week, and noticing the [?] news from [?] many places to which you regularly devote a certain portion of your paper, we the inhabitants of this ...

    Article : 1,106 words



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