A dull, cloudy, threatening day, which did not come to anything worse than an occasional sprinkle, was the weather appointed for the embarkation of our ...
Article : 1,453 wordsIn a recent number of the "Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Scieuces of Philadelphia," Mr. Witiiter Stone has a paper entitled "A Study of the Type ...
Article : 2,221 wordsMadge stood out in the morning sunshine, and inhaled the beauty of a world that seemed to exist only for her. She was thinking, idly, that, though ...
Article : 2,266 wordsWhen we read, as some of us do, the extraordinary outbursts in the English papers about the war, we may be well satisfied with the calmness and philosophy ...
Article : 1,796 words{No abstract available}
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The Australasian (Melbourne, Vic. : 1864 - 1946), Sat 10 Mar 1900, Page 51
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