John Thomas Hardy, 15, garage attendant in the premises of the Advanx Tyre Company in Flindersstreet, Darlinghurst, was assaulted. ...
Article : 179 wordsThe Full Court ' of the Arbitration Court refused an application to-day by many trade unions to have Coronation Day declared a holiday under Federal ...
Article : 155 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 264 wordsThe arrival of five more British ships at Basque ports has shown the insurgent blockade to lie ineffective, bul the attack on Bilbao ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 852 wordsBritain will sign naval treaties with Germany and with Russia soon, according to Mr. H. C. Bywater, the naval correspondent of the "Daily ...
Article : 316 wordsBy eight votes to four, the Federal Labour party executive yesterday decided, in effect, to instruct the State Labour party to readmit Mr. J. S. Garden. The meeting also agreed lo readmit fourteen other expelled ...
Article : 255 wordsNo secret is made in Rome of the fact that Signor Mussolini and Herr Hitler are contemplating adopting a united and firm policy towards the Spanish ...
Article : 484 wordsRepresentatives of the employers in the various sections of industry in New South Wales will consider Chief Judge Dethridge's suggestion at meetings this week. ...
Article : 154 wordsInformation collected by the passports branch of the Department of the Interior, reveals that the number of Australians who will visit London ...
Article : 200 wordsSubstantial increases in the costs of building materials apparently already have caused a serious decline in building permits. Official figures show that ...
Article : 454 wordsThe "sit-down" strike by 1200 employees at the Ford plant here has been settled. The company has agiced lo cease ...
Article : 48 wordsTwo men were shot dead near the lonely bush township of Moina, on the north-west coast. The victims were: Henry Francis Lawson, 48, miner and ...
Article : 227 wordsThe resolution on the admission of Mr. Garden, which was carried after a debate lasting many hours, was as follows:— ...
Article : 1,128 wordsWith true Japanese courtesy, the drivers of tram cars and motor buses apologised for inconveniencing the public by a "go-slow" strike to eight miles an hour, ...
Article : 70 wordsThe Chancellor of the Exchequer (Mr. Neville Chamberlain), in the House of Commons, announced that a loan of £100,000,000 would be raised for ...
Article : 58 wordsColonel E. F. Lind, officer in command ot the Australian coronation contingent, in a letter to "The Times," expresses gratitude for the "wonderful hospitality offered to the ...
Article : 283 wordsLord Ashfield, chairman of the London Transport Board, in a statement on the threatened busmen's strike, denied that the board was responsible for the dispute developing, ...
Article : 135 wordsMrs. Rodney Dangar, of Sydney, said yesterday that she intended to organise a committee to raise funds with a view to purchasing Elizabeth Bay House and ...
Article : 188 wordsMr. Geoffrey Dennis, author of "Coronation Commentary," and Wm. Heinemann, Ltd., the publishers, have apologised to the Duke of windsor, and have given an assurance that ...
Article : 75 wordsIn the House of Commons, the Prime Minister (Mr. Baldwin) announced that the Government would accept the Coal Mining Royalties Tribunal's recommendation and ...
Article : 153 wordsThe Administrator of the Northern Territory (Mr. Abbott) said to-day that, under the new ordinance relating to the protection of aborigines, he had full power to seize and ...
Article : 252 wordsThe passengers by the liner Queen Mary include Mr. James W. Gerard, formerly United States Ambassador to Germany, who is President Roosevelt's envoy to the coronation. ...
Article : 33 wordsThe Duke of Windsor is one of the most popular persons in Austria to-day, according to Mr. Otto Felix, an Austrian textile manufacturer, who arrived from Vienna to-day in ...
Article : 120 wordsMr. Dick Merrill, the airman, has made plans to fly across the Atlantic to England early in May for the coronation, and to return with cinema and "still" photographs of the ...
Article : 90 wordsA letter from the Department of Local Government, which will be considered by the Woollahra Council, states that the council will have to pay the balance of £7700 owing ...
Article : 312 wordsAt the conclusion of the session, the secretary of the meeting (Mr. D. L. McNamara, M.L.C.) issued the following statement:— ...
Article : 846 wordsA report of the National Association of Manufacturers to the Federal Reserve Board, estimates the number of persons employed in manufacturing industries on April 1 at ...
Article : 84 wordsLloyd Carter, 17, of Beaconsfleld-tcrrace, Gordon Park, was drowned to-day while swimming in a rock pool at the foot of Curtis Palls, Tambourine. Prompt action by R. R. ...
Article : 151 wordsThe girlhood home of Mrs. Wallis Simpson has been purchased by a corporation, converted into a."museum," and opened for public inspection. it contains miniature reproductions ...
Article : 90 wordsFlight-Lleiileiiant Lee, an Australian who is serving with the Royal Air Force, piloted a machine in which the Commonwealth Treasurer (Mr. Casey) flew to Martlesham Air ...
Article : 114 wordsThe cable repair steamer, Mernoo, returned to Melbourne to-day, after having examined 30 miles of telegraph cable in Bass Strait. ...
Article : 118 wordsThe Italian Faselst infantry who ned al Guadalajara, are a potential menace to peace in insurgent territory, according to the special representative of the "Daily ...
Article : 218 wordsRobert Schaffer, aged 8 years, a memhcr or a juvenlle "G-Man Club," was using toy pistols and disguises.when he found,a. strange man in the club house. The man offered him a ...
Article : 160 wordsPolice, assisted by fishermen, searched from daylight till dark yesterday for the bodies of Ralph Brown, Walter Currell, and Albert Knight, who disappeared on Saturday when ...
Article : 128 wordsMr. H. L. Brook, who is attempting to oreaK Mrs. Amy Mollison's, lecords for a fight to the Cape and return, arrived at Khartoum to-day, and'left for Juba (Kenya). ...
Article : 48 wordsReginald Horace Ridley, l8, son of C. W. Ridley, of Pine Hill, Warroo, was fatally injured in a practice game at West Plains yesterday. Ridley's mount fell and rolled on ...
Article : 58 wordsIn response to the Government's application for officers in connection with the extension of the Air Force, 2500 men have applied for 24 short-service commissions The most rigid ...
Article : 58 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Tue 27 Apr 1937, Page 11
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