Her Excellency Lady Gowrie paid her first visit to a women's hockey match on Saturday, when she attended the international game at the University ...
Article : 620 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 1,235 words(Above):—MISS TORY WICKS, N.S.W. captain, LADY GOWRIE, and MISS EILEEN WARD, Anglo-Scottish captain, at the international women's hockey match at University-square, on Saturday. (Left): MISS FELICITY PIERCE the Anglo-Scottish goalkeeper, receives a piece of orange at half-time from a ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 48 wordsAn enthusiastic audience crowded into the Town Hall on Saturday night to attend the first conceit of the famous Italian tenor, Tito Schipa. ...
Article : 274 wordsThe team left by special bus yesterday morning, and Mrs. F. J. Davy, the Australian secretary[?] who accompanied the team, said from Orange last night that the party had been ...
Article : 215 words"It all seems like a wonderful dream and it will be some time before I can remember clearly all the details of our journey," said Mrs. Harry McEvoy, when she and Mr. McEvoy and their daughter, Miss Cettien McEvoy, and sons, Messrs. John and Andrew McEvoy, arrived at ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 690 wordsTHERE were 800 dancers at Mark Foy's on Saturday night when members of the New South Wales Hardcourt Tennis Association held their fourth annual ball. A ...
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Mon 12 Jul 1937, Page 3
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