Our objective was to enjoy for the first time the new Prince Henry Cliff Walk, running from the Leura Falls to Echo Point, and then on to Katoomba Falls. This ...
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Advertising : 238 wordsCommander F. E. Getting, R.A.N., who has been on exchange with the Royal Navy during the past four and a half years, two years of which he spent at the Royal Naval Staff ...
Article : 238 wordsThe Prime Minister (Mr. Lyons) has decided not to include a third Minister in the delegation which will leave for London next month. "The delegation will comprise ...
Article : 424 wordsScotsmen from all over Australia are gathering at Canberra to-day to do honour to the memory of Robert Burns. There, in the Federal Capital, a statue ...
Article : 853 wordsMr. Jonathan Cape, publisher, of London, in a luncheon address at David Jones, Ltd., yesterday, to members of the Fellowship of Australian Writers, said to-day's need was ...
Article : 271 wordsThe birth of the old nations of Europe is lost in the shadows of antiquity, lit only by the visionary gleams of heroic tale or legend. It might truly be said ...
Article : 856 wordsA memorial to Captain Cook, hewn from Victorian stone, and identical with that at Cape Everard, Victoria, has been set up at Great Ayton, England, on the site where ...
Article : 127 wordsThe public of Sydney will have its last opportunity of inspecting the Australian War Museum at Prince Albert Park during the week-end and the succeeding few days. ...
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Sat 26 Jan 1935, Page 16
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