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Advertising : 656 wordsDairy-farmers anticipating their cows coming in early in Spring should look well ahead to see that there should be plenty of succulent food to ...
Article : 287 wordsSome argue that secreting milk is a kind of habit; if this is so, then it is to our interest to encourage this habit in every possible way, and this cannot ...
Article : 421 wordsFrom the standpoint of soil improvement of maintenance a rotation of crops should accomplish two objects of prime importance; ir should secure ...
Article : 651 wordsSkirts are inclined to be wider and rather longer, width being obtained in certain models by the introduction of flat pleats at the sides of the skirt. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 350 words"Certainly Sir Richard" said Blower, puir, a increased boldness into his demeanour of sedately respectful compliance, "certainly. I have ...
Article : 2,740 wordsThe new feature of costume-coats is the rounded front, the corners being curved after the fashion of a man's coat, and it follows that with this ... [ILLUSTRATED]
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Narandera Argus and Riverina Advertiser (NSW : 1893 - 1953), Fri 5 Jul 1912, Page 3
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