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  2. Lawyers Clash On Fusion

    Delegates to the Jubilee Law-Convention yesterday clashed on the question of whether there should be ...

    Article : 521 words

    CANBERRA, Tuesday — The Minister for Commerce and Agriculture, Mr. J. McEwen, will leave ...

    Article : 278 words
  4. Beauty Of University Great Hall

    MANY thousands of A Sydney University students, present and past, will be sorry to hear of ...

    Article : 463 words
  5. Letters

    Sir,—On applying for permission to destroy kangaroos on my property I received this reply: ...

    Article : 123 words
  6. The Sydney Morning Herald.

    Predicting last week that Russia would embark on a series of moves to upset the Japanese peace treaty signing ...

    Article : 594 words

    The Prime Minister of New Zealand, Mr. S. G. Holland, has promised that his Government will cut taxation substantially, and reduce the prices of bread, flour, tea, butter, and petrol, if it is returned to power by the forthcoming election. ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 44 words
  8. Pegged Rents

    Sir,—The critics of the "price freeze" have nothing to say about the big rent freeze which has been a cold hard ...

    Article : 104 words
  9. Vital Conferences To Begin To-day

    Two meetings which will have a vital bearing upon Australian Government finance in the next twelve months will begin in Canberra to-day. They are the ...

    Article : 1,580 words
  10. Unpunctual Trains

    Sir,—Someone is due for a reprimand for the late running of trains on the North Shore line. ...

    Article : 102 words

    CANBERRA, Tuesday.— Australia would obviously have to import a great deal of her defence equipment, the Prime ...

    Article : 92 words
  12. Taxes No Cure For Inflation

    New Zealand is not following the line that heavier taxation should be enforced as a remedy against inflation. ...

    Article : 435 words
  13. A Legal Family

    Sir,—Another legal family whose record deserves to be mentioned with those referred to in your article of August 14 ...

    Article : 157 words
  14. High Efficiency Of New 280 Rifle

    THE British Army's new [?]280 self-loading rifle is a radical breakaway in design from all ...

    Article : 691 words
  15. Rapt Spell Of Brahms At Town Hall

    The mellowest garnering of Brahms's experience, the third symphony, was the big work in last night's Youth Concert at ...

    Article : 298 words
  16. Agents' Charges In City Markets

    Sir, — Mr. MacDermott states ("Herald," August 10) that, "the earnings received by agents in the City Markets ...

    Article : 156 words

    The President of Harvard University, Professor James B. Conant, said last night that he was amazed that ...

    Article : 125 words
  18. Apotheosis Of The Unskilled

    "Margins for skill" paid by Australian industry have been shrinking to vanishing point ever since the war. But ...

    Article : 296 words
  19. Fall In Bonds

    Sir,—There will not be any confidence in Government loans so long as investors have to run the risk of serious ...

    Article : 68 words
  20. King's School Scholarships

    The King's School, Parramatta, yesterday announced that it would award four Violet Macansh Scholarships tenable ...

    Article : 89 words

    His Excellency the Administrator of the Commonwealth, General Sir John Northcott, accompanied by Miss Northcott and ...

    Article : 94 words
  22. Sunday Films

    Sir,—The dogmatic attitude of minority Church groups on Sunday films is typical of the Church's failure to meet ...

    Article : 75 words

    The adult probation service designed to help offenders released on probation would begi[?] this month, the N.S.W. ...

    Article : 53 words



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