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  2. Miscellaneous Items.

    IT was rumoured in legal and other circles on Monday (says the Daily Telegraph) that one of the more recently appointed Supreme Court judges had found it necessary to tender ...

    Article : 591 words
  3. Parliament.

    IN the Assembly this evening, Sir Henry Parkes gave notice of a motion for November 13. "That in view of the rapid growth of Australia in all the elements of national life, ...

    Article : 1,119 words
  4. Telegraphic Intelligence.

    In the opening speech of the Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria to the Delegations of the Empire yesterday, his Majesty stated that the state of Europe continued tranquil, ...

    Article : 350 words
  5. Strange Case of Suicide.

    A STRANGE case of suicide occurred on Sunday at Goulburn. The body of a girl named Frances Amelia Johnson, nearly 16 years old, employed as a domestic servant at Mrs. ...

    Article : 287 words
  6. Show Ball and Social.

    A MEETING of the Ladies' Committee who had the management of the late show b[?]ll and social was held in the committee rooms of the Murrumbidgee Pastoral and ...

    Article : 240 words
  7. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 305 words
  8. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 23 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 25 words
  10. THE Wagga Wagga Advertiser.

    IT will be readily conceded that the construction of railways must form an essential feature of any policy having for its object the progressive ...

    Article : 1,734 words
  11. Methul Hospital Ball.

    I HAD heard so much of Methul and the hospitality of its people that I hailed with pleasure an invitatiob to be present at the hospital ball on Friday night. I induced a ...

    Article : 451 words
  12. Light Lines of Railway.

    IN accordance with the promise in the Governor's speech at the opening of Parliament, the Minister for Works, Mr. J. H Young, is (the S. M. Herald says) having ...

    Article : 218 words
  13. The Latest.

    Another attempt by thieves to stick up a railway train in the United States is reported. Four armed men stopped a train near Santa Fe, in the State of Missouri, and ...

    Article : 109 words
  14. The Murder near Horsham.

    THE hearing of the case against Elijah Cockroft, charged with the murder of Fanny Mott, at Narrabeil, on Sunday night, the 2nd inst., which was adjouned on the 5th ...

    Article : 90 words
  15. Intercolonial.

    This morning the supplies of forage were moderate. The demand for chaff was not so good, due to the heavy supplies. Chaff from M'Gann, Murrumburrah, sold for ...

    Article : 453 words
  16. The Corean War.

    NEWS is just to hand of a great battle which has been fought between the Japanese and the and the Chinese at Ping Yang, situated in north of Corea, on the west coast of ...

    Article : 591 words
  17. Serious Coach Accident.

    THE coach from Moulamein to Deniliquin met with an accident last night at Moulamein. In appears that the horses bolted from teh post-office, and the brake being broken, ...

    Article : 106 words
  18. Correspondence.

    SIR,—The council having altered the usual time of the year given to people to pay rates, one would be led to expect that before favoring ratepayers with a solicitor's letter ...

    Article : 134 words
  19. The Land Bill.

    MR. Hayes a prominent member of the party, who spoke almost enthusiastically in favor of the measure after the speech of the Minister for Lands, on Thursday, was seen ...

    Article : 237 words
  20. Conversazione.

    AN enjoyable conversazione was held in the Wesleyan Church last evening, and was largely attended, the building being well filled. A well arranged programme of ...

    Article : 414 words

    Sir,—The prevalence of this disease, fortunately in mild form has led me to consider the best way of avoiding it. It is a well attested fact, that nothing is more ...

    Article : 251 words
  22. The Duke of Sutherland's Will.

    THE publication of the will of the late Duke of Sutherland (says Mr. Lucy in the S. M. Herald) confirms what I told you some time ago of the peculiar circumstances in which ...

    Article : 508 words

    Mr. Masters, founder of the Melbourne telephone system, died this morning. ...

    Article : 13 words

    The Marstone Downs woolshed was destroyed by fire, and 300 sheep burnt to death. It is believed the fire at Marstone Station has no connection with the strike. ...

    Article : 31 words
  25. The European Situation.

    COUNTY Kalnoky, the Austro-Hungarian Minister for Foreign Affais, delivered an important speech to the Delegations yesterday, in which he reviewed at length ...

    Article : 228 words
  26. The Wyalong Gold Field.

    VARIOUS rumours have been circulating today regarding the discovery of alluvial gold at Nariah in payable quantities. Another rumour gave the site of the discovery as ...

    Article : 307 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 40 words
  28. Opening of the Sydney Wool Sales.

    MESSRS. Dalgety and Co. Limited telegraph that they held their opening wool sale this afternoon, when the market was tested by a catalogue of 2014 bales. The Attendance of ...

    Article : 134 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 37 words
  30. Danger of Bath Heaters and ill Ventilation.

    A BALLARAT telegram of Monday says:—An inquest was held to-day at the city police court, before Mr. Leader, P.M., and a jury of five, on the body of William George ...

    Article : 251 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 147 words
  32. The Recent Scene in the Queensland Parliament.

    IN the Legislative Assembly to-night the Speaker read a letter from the suspended members, stating that as they were advised their suspensions were illegal, they intended ...

    Article : 133 words
  33. New Cardinals.

    IT is reported that the Pope contemplates appointing as Cardinals Monsignor Satolli, who has recently returned from a special mission to the United States, and ...

    Article : 149 words
  34. The London Wool Sales.

    AT the opening of the September series of wool sales to-day, there was a large attendance of good buyers, including many American dealers. The tone of the market ...

    Article : 53 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 32 words



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