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  2. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 62 words

    Many relatives from all over the State and a big circle of friends. were present at St. John's Church of England on ...

    Article : 490 words
  4. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 141 words

    MR. JACK TEERMAN, who has been in ill—health for some considerable time, is to be tendered a benefit, the main object of which is to raise founds enable him to obtain special medical treatment which his ailments require. A committee is now ...

    Article : 1,447 words
  6. Methodist Church

    A very successful concert was held at west cessnock in the connection with the Thanksgiving Day Last sunday. choice items ...

    Article : 390 words
  7. Heddon Greta Bridge.

    Recently the Kearsley Shire Council drew the attention of the Main Roads Department to the condition of. Heddon Greta ...

    Article : 218 words
  8. Kurri Co—operative society Educational Committee

    A good attendance was present at the Kurri Co-operative Society's Guild Rooms in Kurri on Wednesday evening. 8th ...

    Article : 204 words
  9. Farewell Dance and Presentation

    A large gathering attended the farewell dance and presentation tendered to Mr. T. McLeish at the Church of England ...

    Article : 234 words
  10. Social Evening.

    At the home of Mr and Mrs. T. Sharp. of Prince—street, Bellbird, a social was given in honour of Mrs. Harris, of Campsle ...

    Article : 112 words
  11. Dangerous culvert at Abermain.

    At Kearsley Shire council meeting on Tuesday night Cr. Bailey urged that something be done make the new culvert at ...

    Article : 82 words

    Up to the present time 1965 properties have been connected to the cessnock sewerage scheme, and the work of ...

    Article : 35 words



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