Affairs have now reached such a crisis in the Northern Territory, that if that portion of the colony is to turn the figurative corner which has to be rounded in order to reach ...
Article : 1,656 wordsAnother phase of the indignity to which the British flag was recently subjected by the Good Templars was developed yesterday at the meeting of the City Council. It appears that Mr. A. O. ...
Article : 1,353 wordsPresent—His Worship the Mayor (Mr. J. P. Moyle), and Councillors Brewster, Gates, Hawke, Jeffs, Trenerry, West, and Wheatley. The minutes of the previous meeting were ...
Article : 1,528 wordsThe anniversary of Salem Tent was celebrated on Monday, the 24th inst. Some of the members of the Tent mustered in the afternoon at the Tent-room, and proceeded to the Wesleyan ...
Article : 1,157 wordsSir—You are aware of the great loss the town of Kapunda sustained by the extension of the railway from Roseworthy to the Burra. Up to that time Kapunda had enjoyed a ...
Article : 735 words{No abstract available}
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Kapunda Herald and Northern Intelligencer (SA : 1864 - 1878), Fri 28 May 1875, Page 3
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